Example sentences of "that we have [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Cos , on , on the tape that we had at that party we were
2 But that has been in the past and that was a thing that we had for several years had A level plays actually on the stage am I correct ?
3 But that was the doctoring that we had in those days .
4 Plus the rebate that we had from that project .
5 Even in areas outside this great span — in Australia for example , the South Pacific or Amerindia — the main detailed knowledge that we have of these cultures is — almost by definition — in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write .
6 The most up-to-date figures that we have on these matters show a continuing increase in capital provision , but I recognise that there has been some indication of a downturn in the most recent , as yet uncompleted , year .
7 Much of the systematic information that we have on this subject comes from the survey of 650 US firms discussed at the beginning of this section .
8 Ah this is fibre that we have on this bed
9 Yeah erm the amount of police necessary for each area is based on all sorts of statistics , and for the statis statistics that we have for this area , we have or the chief constable 's decided that he 'll allocate a hundred and two police officers to police this area , which we find adequate .
10 ‘ But how are we ever going to listen to each other if we hold the views that we have about each other , and if we talk the way we talk to each other the way we do in the cases ? ’
11 We pointed out to him that we have in that county a structure of adult basic education and community further education which the rest of the country can only dream of .
12 At a meeting of a committee of the Skupština in December 1986 , the Federal Secretary of Finance said : ‘ We must face our reality — that we have in this economy and in this country a very serious state of financial disorder …
13 But by the nature of the staff that we have in this school , I do n't know whether Mr Goddard deliberately tries to surround himself with fools so that the school will collapse when he leaves , but the quality of the people that he has , in terms of having a broad idea of education is just a non-starter .
14 Because they do not have the trade union structure that we have in this country or the record of trade union militancy that so damaged this country in the 1970s and to which we have no intention whatsoever of returning .
15 Er but in certainly in the case of our bank , er we are most anxious to at least get people in through the door and see if we can find solutions to their problems , find ways of er developing smaller businesses , erm hopefully to reduce the massive unemployment figure that we have in this country .
16 I mean it may well be that we have in this country we have erm pretty much Mill 's system because MPs get paid relatively little bearing in mind what most of them could be getting elsewhere , so maybe we 've got something like Mill 's system but it strikes us as rather a bizarre suggestion that MPs should n't be paid to prevent adventurous and lower classes becoming MPs .
17 Now one of the things that we have in this city that I do n't think they have as many in Ipswich are students and that must be one of the biggest , they are they party revellers of the century , they have parties all the time .
18 Erm , I think the charge that has been laid against myself personally and my myself and my colleagues is the charge of vacillation and changing our mind and I and I am grateful to c my colleague David for reminding us that we have in this county had two years two years when the Labour party and the Conservative party have been hand in glove , absolutely determined that the way forward in relation to homes , elderly persons homes , not that 's not to close any and now we 've had a complete volte face when they 've changed their minds and they 've come along with us .
19 Schüssler Fiorenza however wants to suggest ( as at times Trible does also ) that we have in any case to live within — and thus also we need to try to redeem — the trajectory of biblical religion .
20 But he does n't acknowledge , and what , this is what I find concerning , the fact that we have in some areas of the county , amalgamated schools into a new school , West Grinstead and Alderbury for example , and taken surplus places out .
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