Example sentences of "that this [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That this is the correct interpretation of the role of words in trusts emerges more clearly in the next section .
2 If the top solution has a much higher score than the next one down , the computer concludes that this is the correct diagnosis .
3 It is submitted that this is the correct approach , but in Dunne v. North Western Gas Board Sellers L.J. , delivering the judgment of the Court of Appeal , considered that common benefit was an important factor .
4 Finally , confirm that this is the correct user name and press the RETURN key to create the user .
5 and we feel that this is the correct er way to do it .
6 We reflect that this is the loudest she has laughed all evening .
7 You can help by getting involved in her diet , preparing healthy , balanced meals and emphasising that this is the successful way to keep slim .
8 The Lord Chief Justice has agreed with me that this is the appropriate time to obtain an initial judicial view on the requirements of retribution and deterrence .
9 But once one assumes that accumulation is taking place — and Marx asserts that this is the chief aim of capitalism — then the proportion of surplus-value which is unproductively consumed has quite a different significance .
10 In the last resort all that a test can give is a relation between two or more quantities such as load , displacement , time and temperature from which it is inferred that this is the general relation connecting these quantities throughout the body , for the assumption of such a general relation is at the basis of elasticity theory and continuum mechanics .
11 Overall there can be no question that this is the finest Gottschalk CD of the moment , but that should not detract listeners from the other two issues as there are few overlaps .
12 Not merely is the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal hardly the most suitable tribunal to determine complex questions of civil law — the pressures on the court 's time aside — but the very fact that this is the Criminal Division carries with it the consequence that whatever we decide can not be the subject of appeal : see section 33 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 .
13 It has been his central theme , returned to constantly in the belief that this is the effective way to frighten would-be Labour voters .
14 He has demonstrated in the laboratory that this is the highest obtainable by heating zinc ore with copper .
15 For his part , Mr Stack was clear about the benefits : ‘ There is no question that this is the recognised standard which an increasing number of major international traders look for , and often demand , from their logistics partner ’ .
16 I have seen people deteriorate quickly when they give up a routine , believing that this is the right thing to do .
17 It remains then to show that this is the right course for us to take .
18 The House of Commons would make a great mistake if it accepted the proposition that this is the right way for it to operate .
19 There is a further indication that this is the right solution ; one of the few archaeological finds to have come from the battlefield at Vézeronce is a fine helmet , which has been thought to be of Ostrogothic workmanship .
20 Note that this is the optimum : the second and fourth eigenvalues now have equal moduli .
21 Note that this is the inside measurement ; that is , the frames must accommodate a mount cut to the above size .
22 To quote a reaction of the mother without any other quotes from her , the two girls themselves , or any other rape survivors , suggests that this is the prime concern .
23 What is problematic about this is the common assumption that it is caused by , and in turn indicates , some relationship of efficiency between the object and its use , such that this is the prime reason for its particular form , being either the natural outcome of adaptation , or the product of deliberate design processes for industrial goods .
24 IN referring to the Chilean Order of Merit awarded to Mr Harold Pinter , Mandrake ( March 29 ) stated that this is the first time the honour has been bestowed upon a playwright or , indeed , upon an ‘ intellectual ’ of any description .
25 A salesman whose last two months ' returns fall below the required norm may be thought to be failing , until one knows that this is the first time that it has happened in five years .
26 More important is that this is the first example of a case in which a trust is set up using indirect words : the words are addressed to the trustee ; and they make the testator 's intentions plain enough , although they do not express any request for a transfer of property .
27 Writing in Science ( vol 219 , p1184 ) , Mahlon DeLong and co-workers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine say that this is the first case in which a specific form of dementia has been linked to particular neurotransmitters and nerve pathways .
28 ‘ D' you mean to tell me that this is the first time you 've slept with anyone ? ’ he asked incredulously .
29 We are only just realising that this is the first calling from which all else must flow .
30 The Commission for Racial Equality has said that this is the first such ruling and extends the definition of unfair treatment , which may well influence other tribunals ' decisions in future .
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