Example sentences of "that [vb past] at [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I was a union official , most — if not most , a good part — of the serious or fatal accidents that occurred at my pit involved men who were working excessive hours .
2 Most , it seemed , were in the Rorim itself or its environs — crowding the inns that squatted at its foot , making merry to mark Bragad 's visit .
3 He brushed aside new-bursting buds that slapped at his face , until he stood by the rust-eaten iron gates , watching the hearse accelerate down the road .
4 More than ever it seemed that Doreen wanted to discuss matters that niggled at her mind , even with a stranger , so she turned in her chair to face the other woman and said frankly , ‘ I do n't see how you can blame my aunt .
5 Ah , leave fretting , man ! ’ he said impatiently , feeling the fingers that clutched at his sleeve tighten in suspicious anger .
6 She began to scream , high , sharp screams that tore at her chest and hurt her throat .
7 And , just for a moment , in spite of the pain that brought her , it was the thought of his hurt that tore at her heart .
8 She looked down , swallowing , a sudden bleakness in her face that tore at his heart .
9 The sound of the explosion melded into a terrible noise that was like an animal dying in awful , bellowing pain , but beneath that sound of agony was a harsh metallic scrape and clash that punched at my belly and eardrums .
10 Could anything be serious that had at its centre this lovable , rogueish , bumbling figure ( ’ That 's another fine mess you 've got us into , Ollie ’ ) ?
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