Example sentences of "that [vb past] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 " Tell me , my sister , " said Vasilissa , " who was the white knight that passed me in the forest ? "
2 Foreignness for me provided a difference that moved me in a way that sexual difference never did ’ ( ‘ Home and Abroad ’ , 44 , my emphasis ) .
3 Bees hummed steadily through the yellow bird 's foot trefoil that wove itself in a tangled carpet over the sand .
4 And the big , one of the big things that affected us in the last few years was er Dallas .
5 Parenthetically , erm he says somewhere in his autobiography that the one thing that consoled him in the nineteen-hundreds when he was so miserable with his wife and his mathematics , was the devising of , was the devising of prose rhythms .
6 There was something about Rourke that stirred her in a way no other man had ever done … but , even so , a tiny voice of caution held her back .
7 The fate that befell him in the 1956 Grand National booked him a permanent place not only in the reminiscences of racing folk but in the British national memory .
8 I was just going to mention the fact that if you have had breast cancer you can not go on H R T cos it was a hormone that caused it in the first place !
9 DEREK RANDALL , Nottinghamshire 's former England batsman , is recovering from a cartilage operation to cure knee trouble that hampered him in the closing stages of the season .
10 But his drawings were remarkable for their acuteness of observation and their complete lack of sentimentality , qualities that placed them in a different league .
11 Horrible as was the deed that bound them in a fascinated confederacy of blood they were , for the first time , having a conversation .
12 It was perfectly natural that Jake should marry — and , apart from how it might affect Kirsty , it was not an event that interested her in the slightest .
13 So I guess the bucket of cold water that hit me in the face did n't come as much of a surprise .
14 Course , what you 've got to think of , Conservatives are the one that started it in the first place .
15 Most of the people in Bonanza 's outfit had been aware that Mahoney was up to some kind of private business that kept him in the bucks more than whatever he earned from Bonanza .
16 Tony takes the hint and decides not to wax equally lyrical about the Svalbard storm that kept everyone in the tent for seventy-two hours , unable to go out for anything .
17 Apart form the Air Mont blanc Cessna that buzzed us in the late afternoon , if not the whole range , to ourselves .
18 With borrowed money he took advantage of an opportunity that presented itself in the 1930s when Oscar Deutch set about forming a third circuit of cinemas — after those of the Rank Organisation and ABC — by buying up the best sites .
19 One thing that intrigued me in the course of my meeting with Kagan was his careful enquiries about what duties were involved in membership of the House of Lords .
20 ‘ The dog that did nothing in the night-time , eh ? ’
21 First Floss and Tibbs retired to their tent to dispel this foretaste of the middle-aged grossness that awaited them in the exercise of their healthy young bodies .
22 That put Swansea 8–6 in front at half-time , but even then the Aussies could n't have expected the storm that awaited them in the second half .
23 GAME show host Leslie Crowther is fully conscious again , five weeks after the car crash that put him in a coma .
24 It was , however , his permanent design of the deceptively simple 1920 Whitehall Cenotaph ( originally erected in wood and plaster as a saluting point for the Victory March Past of Allied troops in July 1919 ) that put him in the eye of the general public and for the first time turned Lutyens into a household name .
25 But there could be no begrudging the 1990 innings at Hove that put him in the Somerset record-books .
26 There was an edge to his comment that left her in no doubt that everything she said only confirmed the opinion he already had of her .
27 It was carved into planes of rugged indifference , though the blue eyes that blazed at Charity were filled with cynical censure that left her in no doubt that he had heard almost every word Mandy had uttered about him .
28 The move came after his parents Allan and Barbara won a court ruling allowing medical staff to switch off the life support systems he had relied on since the tragic injury that left him in a persistent vegetative state .
29 Mr Reagan was showered by shards of glass , including at least one that struck him in the face , but was unhurt .
30 ‘ He came over incensed , accusing me of hitting the ball that struck him in the testicles … it 's a reflection of the degree of tension . ’
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