Example sentences of "that [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The lean hand gripping his arm thrust him in at a door in the long encrustation of buildings that clung to the curtain wall on the sunny side , where the best light fell and the day lingered longest .
2 And Molly Malone was right : the gangway was little better than a ladder that clung to the ship 's side with fragile tenacity .
3 An error that arose on the consolidation of the capital gains legislation into TCGA 1992 will be corrected in next year 's Finance Bill .
4 Coupled with problems that arose with the apparatus — UA1 for example was beset by difficulties ranging from dirty air-lines to burst pipes — it was not until last November and December that the experiments were able to observe a large sample of proton-antiproton collisions .
5 They must be attentive to all the susceptibilities that people might have in this connection , and ensure that all of them played a part in resolving the tasks that arose in a society of this kind .
6 One question that arose in the Court of Appeal was whether this decision was subject to judicial review .
7 In other words , there was a growth in the use of ‘ framework legislation ’ , with Parliament establishing a general framework for controlling or regulating an area of activity and granting to governmental agencies both rule-making powers to put flesh on the framework or quasi-judicial powers to resolve disputes that arose in the course of implementing these schemes .
8 In the case of the RUC it is essential to reflect on the problems that arose in the research .
9 On this evidence it seems possible that a large part of the conflict that arose in the administration of the NIRC was the result of a belief of its president that , in industrial conflicts , one side can be discovered , after proper examination by judges , to be ‘ right ’ and the other side ‘ wrong ’ .
10 In the past , many researchers have tended to underplay the problems that arose in the process of research in case they affected the evaluation of their results , although there have been a few ex post disclosures in books intended to show social research as often a messy enterprise ( Bell and Newby 1977 ; Bell and Roberts 1984 ) .
11 When he was clear of the goat herds and the sheep that grazed around the village , he moved down to the river that was a tributary of the distant Tigris .
12 Beauty to him came from the soul , as we say , and he saw it as his task to exteriorise it in some way that harmonized with the subject matter .
13 It was the kind of bed that made into a table and bench-seats during the day and you just took the table off its legs and fitted it into some slots for night-time .
14 The response made to a sign ( word ) and that made to the object represented by that word .
15 Perhaps the most significant contribution to the debate was that made by a member of the TBC board , the former Mwafrika editor Mr Bagdelleh .
16 On this view the only reservation that is relevant is that made by the State whose law is applicable to the transaction , and reservations made by the State in which the forum is located have no significance as such and operate only if the conflict rules of that State lead to the application of its own law .
17 It was invented by the Joseph-Robinson corporation , a particularly unscrupulous food company that operated for a time amongst the outer colonies of the planet Earth . ’
18 So miners in Nottinghamshire still require the services that operated in the past .
19 And from the ‘ land of oranges ’ , the new exiles arrived in the West Bank and in Lebanon and in the Kingdom of Transjordan with an identity — as ‘ Palestinians ’ — that applied to a country that no longer existed , that indeed never did exist as an independent nation .
20 In appraising the trial 's results it would therefore be helpful to know the indications for transfusion that applied at the Queen Mother 's Hospital during the trial and whether the decision to transfuse was made without knowledge of the policy on cord clamping .
21 He discovered just how good during the three weeks that elapsed between the signing of contracts and the opening .
22 The fossil history.of earth suggests that we have about a billion years — one ‘ aeon ’ , to use a convenient modern definition — to play with , for this is roughly the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago and the era of the first fossil organisms .
23 One and a half aeons is about the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth and the first bacteria-like fossils .
24 According to Anil Gadre , Sun Microsystems Computer Corp 's vice president of systems product marketing , the new licensing strategy — see front page — should , for example , enable the Sparc compatible community to get its hands on the company 's next-generation Viking , or SuperSparc technology — being co-developed with Texas Instruments Inc — much more quickly than the best part of a year that elapsed between the launch of the Sparcstation 2 ( UX No 308 ) , and the day Sun gave the green light for the LSI Logic Inc made 40MHz Sparc chip sets to be sold on to Sun wannabe 's ( UX No 356 ) .
25 As they set off she realized they were n't driving back towards the restaurants of the town centre and Willi 's beloved Franz Joseph hotel , but up to the mountain road that led over the pass and into the next valley .
26 He was on a road that led through a swamp , and then coming towards him was the rough figure of a shepherd , the jostling oval shapes of the animals .
27 They took a winding dirt alley that led through the back of the village between houses and outhouses .
28 Bores Hole was used as an air raid shelter , or rather the tunnel that led under the road was , and many tales could be told of nights spent under there during the air raids .
29 Creed told him to take a right turn , down a narrow track that led towards the ocean .
30 Doreen and Silas were still where she had left them , making two shadowy figures in the moonlight , and , even as she watched , they moved in the direction of the road that led towards the highway .
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