Example sentences of "that [vb -s] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 He argues that all other forms of therapy are simply tranquillizers , helping people to adapt rather than change , or else to find an addiction like meditation or relaxation that offers temporary relief to which we will always need to return .
2 Football thrives on scandal , it is a highly competitive game that offers untold wealth to the most talented players , sudden and often tragic decline in the lives of those whose youth or skills desert them , and the extremes of pain and passion to those who follow the game .
3 One that fits this description to a T is the T-shirt .
4 What we need to arrange is that control subjects perform some sort of task in the first phase — not one , of course , that requires them to attach different labels to the critical stimuli , but one that guarantees that attention to these stimuli is maintained .
5 Peter Scudamore is riding the horse that lives next door to him in Naunton .
6 One possibility would be for the analyst to invent a large number of sentences and try saying them with different intonation patterns ( i.e. different combinations of head and tone ) , noting what attitude was supposed to correspond to the intonation in each case ; of course , the results are then very subjective , and based on an artificial performance that has little resemblance to conversational speech .
7 This is a pattern that has some similarities to the breakage produced by predators , due mainly to the abundance of isolated teeth , but the absence of mandibles and the good preservation of the major limb bones are points of difference .
8 Notebook pages run from page A to page IV but these names can be changed to something that has more relevance to the spreadsheet .
9 There has been much recent work by psychologists and linguists on these early stages of acquisition that has direct relevance to pragmatics , but is not reviewed in this book ( see e.g. Ervin-Tripp & Mitchell-Kernan , 1977 ; Snow & Ferguson , 1977 Ochs & Schieffelin , 1979 ; and the critical account of such work in M. Atkinson , 1982 ) .
10 In one of their experiments they first find the region of the visual field that causes electrical activity to be recorded through an electrode placed in a particular patch of neocortex , and then they map the receptive field for a single cell , as illustrated for a retinal ganglion cell in Figure 4 .
11 Sometimes the act has been carried out in a hostile fashion that causes maximum distress to the staff .
12 While the first and last pitches are pleasant , it is the steep , sustained middle section that elevates this route to a climb of memorable quality .
13 Their Shine Tonic is an excellent spray-on , leave-in conditioner that adds instant gloss to any style and leaves hair feeling soft and manageable too .
14 And obviously that adds certain constraints to sort of erm income .
15 Hi-Lo ( about £5 ) is a device that allows hanging baskets to be lowered for watering and then returned to their positions .
16 Streep is splendidly narcissistic as Ashton , lashing all-comers with her viper 's tongue in a script that allows full rein to her over-mannered acting style .
17 The mouse has a two-position switch that allows this rodent to be switched between its two personalities — Microsoft or Mouse Systems mode .
18 It 's part of the same thing that allows Royal marriages to break-up and sex before marriage .
19 a method of recording on floppy disks using a modified frequency modulation process that allows more data to be stored on a disk .
20 As well as co-operating with software houses , Aldus will be introducing a range of filters itself together with a programmers kit that allows special versions to be generated by the user — given that he or she can write programs in C.
21 Show how software that allows alternate indexes to be created can be used to set up an inverted file system
22 Shot , as a result , in sporadic bursts , it combines awesome monochrome compositions with abysmal post-synchronised dialogue that bears little relationship to the character 's lip movements .
23 Having smilingly watched Palmer acknowledge his footsoldiers , then go through a practice swing that bears little relation to the actual flurry and flourish , Wolstenholme 's start was nervy , understandably , and inauspicious .
24 The larger transcript may correspond to either an unprocessed version of the 2.6-kb species or a distinct RNA species that bears some homology to the atk cDNA .
25 In a hypothesis that bears some similarity to ours , McKenzie and O'Nions suggested that the lithosphere underlying continents might detach itself , sink to a convective boundary layer , and ultimately rise as mantle plumes .
26 He told a key meeting in Dunkirk at the end of August : ‘ You must find the nerve to ask for a better treaty ; one that hands less power to Brussels , controls bureaucracy more stringently and leaves France her autonomy in foreign and monetary policy . ’
27 Nevertheless , it is fairly clear that he saw the democratic political movement as the principal force creating this new social order , for it is the democratic regime that assigns pre-eminent value to the wellbeing of the greatest number , establishes an open and mobile society by destroying the old hierarchy of ranks , and encourages the development of trade and manufacture .
28 Similarly , requests for calculations or analysis will generate a response that requires mass data to be extracted from the model on the designing workstation .
29 He suggests that Marx 's interpretation of Hegel ( even without the benefit of access to the Jena lectures ) produced an account of the formation of the human species that reduces communicative action to instrumental action — labour ( Habermas 1974 : 169 ) .
30 In his paper he exemplifies an approach to the teaching of stylistics that keeps technical jargon to a minimum and that aims to develop in the students a keen sensitivity for the way in which all levels of language , including grammatical choices , can contribute to the creation of aesthetic effects .
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