Example sentences of "that [was/were] [vb pp] in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , we 've sorted through the heads that were sent in to the studio , and we 're real pleased to report that Jackson 's was indeed among them .
2 One of the one of the difficulties is that that that theatres up and down the country have faced over the last two years of the new target that were brought in with the eighty eight education act where schools were not allowed to make a charge it could only be a voluntary contribution now the council of Great Britain have looked at this it 's a problem cos of this decimated schools audiences .
3 As I 've said to you the the old bastinal used to hang on the toilet wall outside was a whole row of them you know these these big galvanized bath things that were brought in on maybe on a Friday night .
4 As for Mr 's point that Not Mr b Steven 's point that the erm figures for the strategic guidance for West and South Yorkshire were done on a different basis , those figures with the exception of Sheffield , were erm figures that were put in by the local planning authorities , the Secretary of State accepted those figures , they were done on the nineteen eighty five based household projections , coupled with different assumptions about vacancy rates and demolitions etcetera , and the Secretary of State accepted those figures .
5 Rather , it should be taken over histories in imaginary time that were closed in on themselves , like the surface of the earth .
6 The next few issues of Amnesty will cover the changes that were voted in by the ICM in detail , however , a summary of the major changes is useful :
7 It does not have this appearance , however , and it may simply be a copy that updates but generally reproduces one that was written in about the 1270s by or for Richard of Haldingham .
8 The old man 's chair was placed in a dormer window that was glassed in on three sides .
9 The three space directions and imaginary time would form a space-time that was closed in on itself , without boundaries or edges .
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