Example sentences of "that [subord] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Smith argued that where a print run — or more likely a reprint — had left hundreds or thousands of unsold copies , it made sense in times of crippling warehouse costs and tight cash flows to unload slow-selling stock .
2 Held , dismissing the action , that the statutory framework leading to the grant of planning permission envisaged that a local planning authority would balance the interests of the community against those of individuals ; that where a planning authority had granted consent to the development of an area , the measure of disturbance to individuals had to be considered against the changed character of the neighbourhood and those living close to a public highway affected by that change had to accept the increased volume of traffic in the greater public interest ; and that , accordingly , since as a result of planning permission the two roads now gave access to a commercial dock operating 24 hours a day , the serious disturbance to individuals from the movement of heavy goods vehicles was not an actionable nuisance ( post , pp. 460G–H , 461A–C , H — 462B , C–F ) .
3 But what use is that where a concert party is suspected ?
4 This point means that where a motor vehicle is required to be fitted with wipers it must also have washers .
5 5.4.1 To repair the Premises and keep them in repair excepting damage caused by structural or inherent defects or by an Insured Risk other than where the insurance money is irrecoverable in consequence of any act or default of the Tenant or anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority ( but only while under the Tenant 's control and in the course of employment ) Provided that where the insurance money is not wholly irrecoverable such sums as are recoverable shall be made available as soon as possible to apply to the repair of the Premises
6 There is one remarkable difference between the two texts , and that is that where the responsa version has the composite wording lego concedique volo the digesta text has only concedi volo .
7 They found that where the market value was 85 per cent or less of that predicted by the model , shares outperformed the market .
8 Observations of lakes in southern Scandinavia and eastern North America have shown that where the pH level has fallen , a decline in the lower phytoplankton biomass and species variety takes place .
9 Surveys show that where the family head is aged between 55 and 64 , more than the average is spent on home and leisure : 60 per cent more on home improvement , 38 per cent more on furnishings , 26 per cent more on cars and 17 per cent more on holidays .
10 They accept however , that where an indemnity basis taxation has been ordered , the result of the taxation will , of necessity , quantify the sum that they are able to recover or retain out of the mortgage receipts .
11 In this respect , s11(4) provides that where an exclusion clause seeks to restrict liability , regard should be had to the availability of resources and insurance to meet the liability .
12 The third point is that where an exemption clause is not invalidated ( or not completely so ) by section 3 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act , the buyer may still be able to defeat the exemption clause by relying on section 6 , section 8 or section 2 of that Act .
13 One should note , however , that although a mother bird may encourage her chicks to fly by calling to them from a branch some distance away , holding some tasty morsel in her beak as an inducement , all the same , she is not actually teaching them to fly .
14 The RSPB reports that although a record number of the birds bred in Wales this year , the number of surviving young was disappointingly low .
15 Apparently no correlation is seen between the time of maximal release ( T m a x ) and the mucosal concentrations suggesting that although the release pattern of the different drugs has certainly influenced our results , this influence should not be overestimated .
16 When knitting your samples did you notice that although the back bed was making the pattern , the design actually shows on the work facing you as it comes down between the beds ?
17 No-one understood more clearly in November 1911 than Havelock Wilson that although the strike victory of that year represented a major gain to the union , the Shipping Federation 's abandonment of " the Ticket " was a reluctant one and that his battle against the managerial prerogatives claimed by the shipowners in manning their vessels and paying their crews was far from over .
18 The currently fashionable and oft repeated litany is that although the world air transport industry is presently going through a fundamental and painful period of change , this will ultimately lead to a new and improved deployment of resources , through the creation of far fewer but infinitely larger air carriers .
19 Although the cobalt-bleomycin complex ( which binds to but does not cleave DNA ) yields good DNase I footprints at GT and GC sites , no footprints are observed within ( AT ) n , suggesting that although the cleavage reaction is efficient , the binding affinity is relatively weak .
20 Blake and Mouton argue that although the team approach is an ideal it can be worked towards by a process of diagnosis and training .
21 The explanation which Hall later gave for this was that although the War Department competition was dead , he was seeking official approval for the principle that , for all important government buildings in London , ‘ a competition , limited or otherwise , should take place , instead of the work being committed , as a matter of course to an officer of the establishment ’ .
22 Thus it seems that although the speed rating task was performed roughly as expected , subjects on the normality rating task in fact performed a very different task to the one used in Groeger and Chapman study .
23 One factor was that although the motor car made up only one third of all motor vehicles , it was yet seen as the crux of the motor problem ( Plowden , 1971 ) .
24 Meanwhile the problem for the health service is that although the health authority sits on the policy group and is a coauthor of the community care plan , the work gets done — and the problems arise — in provider units .
25 The troopers were scattering away from Christine , thrashing through the foam , well aware that although the executive transporter had no weight , it still had mass , and hence momentum .
26 The centre is backed by the Swiss government and its organisers claim that although the greenhouse effect and its human causes are well known , understanding of the effects of climate change is limited .
27 Exactly how this is achieved is not clear , for experiments using 10 per cent HCI show that although the mineral content of the bones and dentine is removed , leaving the bones with a soft rubbery texture , there is usually some enamel still left on the teeth .
28 Simon Lee , of Stratford-upon-Avon , said that although the party machine was ‘ getting a little bit tired ’ , every member should accept their share of the blame for recent dents to the party image .
29 We shall see that although the uncertainty principle places limitations on the accuracy of all our predictions , it may at the same time remove the fundamental unpredictability that occurs at a space-time singularity .
30 Turning now to impertinent , we can readily see that although the im -is replaceable by zero , it does not qualify as a semantic constituent :
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