Example sentences of "that [subord] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It will be recalled from Chapter 3 that the Partnership Act provides that where no definite duration is set for the partnership any partner may " retire " by giving his co-partners notice , whereupon in the absence of any contrary agreement the firm is dissolved .
2 It is , however , suggested that where a new basis for constitutionality has come to enjoy universal acknowledgment or sufficiently widespread acquiescence , the judge 's obligation to uphold the law points in the direction of endorsing charge rather than blindly ignoring it .
3 One must too make the qualification that where a major talent is at work , even in a politically committed situation , then something more universal may result .
4 The judge was therefore at fault in considering that there was no need for him to pay explicit regard to the public interest in freedom of expression guaranteed by article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ( 1953 ) ( Cmd. 8969 ) in seeking to resolve the uncertainty or ambiguity in the common law ; ( 7 ) in failing , as did Browne J. in the Bognor Regis case , to have proper regard to the public interest in freedom of expression and to the question of whether in a democratic society there really was a pressing social need to extend the ambit of the law of defamation to enable a governmental body to sue in respect of presumed ( and not actual ) injury to its governmental reputation ; ( 8 ) in failing to take into account the acceptance by the English courts of the fact that where a governmental plaintiff sought to invoke a private law right to interfere with freedom of discussion about the workings of government , the court 's approach would ( because of the competing public interests involved ) differ from that in a private dispute between citizen and citizen .
5 I take the true rule to be that where a specific article is offered for sale , without express warranty , or without circumstances from which the law will imply a warranty … and the buyer has full opportunity of inspecting and forming his own judgment , the rule caveat emptor applies .
6 It said that where a dominant enterprise charged prices below the average variable cost , those prices must necessarily be considered predatory , because the enterprise could have no other interest in charging loss-making prices besides the elimination of its competitors .
7 It seems to me a matter of the highest possible importance that where a quasi-judicial function is being exercised , under such circumstances as it had to be exercised here , with the result of depriving people of their property , especially if it is done without compensation , the persons concerned should be satisfied that nothing unfair has been done in the matter , and that ex parte statements have not been heard before the decision has been given without any chance for the person concerned to refute those statements .
8 In Hoffman v Sofaer [ 1982 ] 1 WLR 1350 Talbot J held that where a foreign plaintiff suffered his injuries in Britain , his damages should be assessed in the currency most closely linked with the loss , namely the currency in which the loss was suffered or the expense incurred , with the exception of damages for pain , suffering and loss of amenity which should be assessed in sterling .
9 ‘ It is reasonably clear on the authorities that where a statutory tribunal has been set up to decide final questions affecting parties ' rights and duties , if the statute is silent upon the question , the courts will imply into the statutory provision a rule that the principles of natural justice should be applied .
10 Section 4 of the Statutory Instruments Act 1946 says that where a statutory instrument is required to be laid before Parliament then it shall be laid before the instrument comes into operation .
11 It is a long established rule of law that where a contracting party refuses to perform his contractual obligations by giving a wrong reason , this does not subsequently deprive him of a justification which in fact existed at the time of refusal ( see Taylor v Oakes ( 1922 ) 27 Com Cas 261 ; Braithwaite v Foreign Hardwood Co Ltd [ 1905 ] 2 KB 543 ; and Fercometal SARL v Mediterranean Shipping Co SA [ 1989 ] AC 788 discussed in Chapter 15 ) .
12 On the preliminary issue the judge dismissed the application holding that a local authority could sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation even though no financial loss was pleaded or alleged , that where a local authority instituted proceedings in reliance on section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 it was for the local authority to decide on the expediency of litigating and it was not the court 's function to do so on an application to strike out , and that since the words complained of reflected on the local authority itself in the management and rectitude of its financial affairs , the statement of claim did disclose a cause of action against the defendants .
13 One would predict that where a particular sibling is not willing or able to give support they are unlikely to receive it , except perhaps if they have given assistance in the past .
14 Section 66(4) defines these as accounting practices that are otherwise required by law ; in addition , ‘ proper practices ’ include those regarded as such by ‘ any generally recognised published code or otherwise ’ ( except that where a given practice conflicts with the law , it is of course the law that takes precedence ) .
15 343 ) that where a common law court had decided a case the Court of Chancery had no power to intervene between the parties …
16 Formalist theory rigorously and systematically excludes the non-literary , so that where the Anglo-American tradition devotes much of its effort to exploring the different relations between life and art , the Russian Formalists see the two as mutual opposites .
17 Mustill LJ said , obiter , said that where the alleged appropriation was done by a person who was beneficially entitled to the whole share capital of the company , there was no appropriation because he would have the authority of the company to act as he did .
18 Nigeria seems to warn us that where the political climate is uncertain , we need to be very flexible and cautious with our implementation strategies .
19 What was decided in regard to the applicant Handscomb was that where the first review date predicated an equivalent determinate sentence well in excess of that which could have been imposed under established sentencing practice , there was impugnable unreasonableness .
20 and Tucker J. ) that where the Inland Revenue gave notice to a professional man under section 20 of the Taxes Management Act 1970 requiring the delivery of documents , the professional man was obliged to comply , even though the documents might disclose not only his own affairs but also those of his clients ; particular attention was directed to a quotation from the judgment of Diplock L.J .
21 Held , granting the application , that the coroner had wrongly precluded himself from considering whether the cause of death had been aggravated by lack of care ; that where the medical cause of death was accompanied by concurrent events which themselves might be a cause of death , there was a case for considering the death ‘ unnatural ’ within the meaning of section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 , and an inquest should be held ; that the statutory duty imposed by section 11(5) of the Act of 1988 to investigate how death occurred prevailed in any conflict with the provision in rule 42 of the Coroners Rules 1984 that verdicts should not be framed so as to appear to decide any issue of civil liability ; that it was in the public interest to investigate by means of an inquest whether the deceased 's death might have been avoided had an ambulance been available earlier ; and that , accordingly , the coroner 's decision not to hold an inquest would be quashed and an order of mandamus granted for an inquest to be held ( post , pp. 491E , H , 493C–D , E–F ) .
22 The fact that it is not an essential part of the process of granting an advance in all cases that a basic valuation should be supplied by an employee of the society , does not mean that where the basic valuation is supplied by an employee its provision is not part of the process of administration .
23 Section 10(4) provides expressly that where the local authority opts to take summary proceedings to recover their expenses , the limitation period runs from the date of service of the demand or , if there is an appeal , the date when the demand becomes operative .
24 It was held that where an absolute owner brings an action for trespass he must prove title and an intention to regain possession .
25 It has also been made clear that where an unmet need is recorded which the department has a legal duty to provide , it could be used as the basis for a legal challenge , although it should still be recorded .
26 I suggest that where an average portion provides less than 20 calories you let yourself off the chore of weighing while following the F-Plan slimming method .
27 In biology , one says that where an intermediate type is leaving on average more progeny than others then it is the more ‘ fit ’ .
28 She 'd been so relieved at the news of Liz and Owen 's removal from Intensive Care that seeing the other girl 's still , slight figure lying motionless on the hospital bed had been a deep and severe shock .
29 The second factor of importance with respect to the nature of a floating charge is that although a floating charge relates to future assets it is a present charge and not a future one .
30 Further questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , he conceded that no such review had taken place , and that no additional safety checks had been called for before the junction was opened , that although a total embargo had been introduced on single-lead junctions immediately after Bellgrove .
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