Example sentences of "that [modal v] [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If our legal system allows companies the ability to make profits and trade unions to bargain collectively for wage increases , then we should not be surprised that companies will wish to exploit profit opportunities and trade unions secure higher wages whenever possible , however inconvenient at times that may be to the government .
2 Unfortunately , there are other , newer sources never suspected of contributing to eutrophication that may be beyond the political if not the scientific , reach of conservationists .
3 The GEP is aimed at individuals with a viable business project that may be at the planning stage or in the early stages of trading .
4 Any bacteria that may be in the food will have a field day and grow .
5 I have been asked to enquire about any road works that may be in the pipeline for Scorton and the surrounding area .
6 If there is any iron law of bureaucracy it must be that such organizations will not willingly do anything that may be against the organization 's perceived long-term interests and that , on occasions , this will lead the organization to ignore its nominal masters .
7 The picture shows the construction standard of the day , with 90-degree bends in all wiring and metalwork and woodwork that should be in the Guggenheim Museum .
8 So I 've , I 've got the actual main table for the pond and all that , went along that edge that should be in the ground actually , but , I just
9 Now slowly breathe in and out and imagine the scene that might be in the backdrop .
10 In the distance he could hear the sound of water dripping and he kept a look out for puddles , holes , fallen beams or any other dangers that might be around the next corner .
11 The best that could be for the the Simpson woman is that at least when they had married , she stuck to him right to his death .
12 The only way to avoid that would be for the Chancellor of the Exchequer to give the health service an open-ended budget .
13 Accordingly , he has drawn up a document outlining his position on negotiations which he means to make public , so the people are fully apprised of the proposals that would be on the table .
14 It enables adaptation of plants and animals to human purposes that would be beyond the reach of traditional breeding techniques ; an example is the insertion of toxin genes from bacteria into plants to give them an in-built system for poisoning pests .
15 Were they , because of their political pull within soccer 's international body , to be seeded , then that would be at the expense of England .
16 We think evolution took place not by sort of hitting in one bang the right answer — that would be like the surgeon moving his scalpel a foot and hitting the right point , but by successive changes , changing one amino acid at a time , each change being a slight improvement on what was there before .
17 We must insist on a system of tests that will be for the benefit of the pupils ; that will test what each one can do in practical work and in theoretical understanding ; and will serve as a motive for each to go on to the next stage .
18 With extra bedroom accessories becoming accepted as standard throughout the hotel industry , it 's the personal touch and a thoughtful approach towards guests that will be of the highest value .
19 At this stage I take the view it is very unlikely that there 's anything in this expert evidence that will be of the slightest assistance to me and I 'm not going rule it out .
20 As you know arms control negotiations are incredibly detailed and rather arcane subjects , er so it 's a little tricky to see the wood for the trees in this one , but er arms control , obviously C F E — the Conventional Forces in Europe — er is very much an issue that will be on the table .
21 He himself always adhered to the layering method , as set out in his first publication , the smaller Dictionary of 1724 : ‘ In the Spring prick a great many Holes with an Awl about a Joint that will be in the earth and cover it would a good Mound to peg it down . ’
22 The section that will be in the ground definitely needs three coats of Cuprinol treatment , but if you do n't particularly want the part of the stake among the foliage to look green , use clear Cuprinol or varnish .
23 Also in steam , will be the Southern Railway engine , No 541 and the regular Bluebell favourite ‘ Stepney ’ that will be in the Northern Extension Shuttle , at Horsted Keynes .
24 But it 's all their own work , they 're at the moment re-drawing every single page of the four stories that will be in the book , and I think that Amy 's got , this is the work in progress .
25 Now that was ma that will be in the score card of course , three four two .
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