Example sentences of "that [modal v] [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Little is said about how this process works apart from the suggestion that a number of presentations of a given object or event may be needed if invariant aspects are to be distinguished from incidental features that may vary from one occasion to another .
2 This has been little more than an annotated table of contents of a programme that should extend to 1995 and culminate in WACC 's second World Congress .
3 What tolerance does is to impart spiritual insight to a man and it breaks down barriers that might exist between one faith and another .
4 Will my hon. Friend pay particular attention to the application of a company in my constituency which requires a small amount of insurance cover that could lead to tens of millions of pounds ' worth of business ?
5 Equally a yacht which is cruising and has more power-consuming electronic equipment , such as a refrigerator , which might use 200 amps during a week , would require a much larger generator , one that could recharge at 28.6 amps per day ( 1.2 amp/hr ) .
6 Erm the only thing that erm I thought she might er do was erm er something else on a ten year basis , because she 's only fifty six , I mean that 's relatively young , so would you possibly suggest anything that could go for ten or more years ?
7 Cincinnati Bell Inc reports that the Federal arm of its Cincinnati Bell Information Systems won a systems management contract that could run for five years and be worth up to $41m to support the Federal Transportation Computer Center in Washington DC : the centre supports Federal Highway Administration , US Coast Guard , Federal Transit Administration , Research & Special Programs Administration , the Federal Aviation Administration , and the Federal Maritime Administration .
8 They are usually fitted into a timber sub-frame ( hardwood , in preference to softwood ; there 's little point in fitting an indestructible door in a frame that could rot in 10 years ) , and come with either a silvery finish or a factory-applied coating in a limited range of colours .
9 They are usually fitted into a timber sub-frame ( hardwood , in preference to softwood , as there 's little point in fitting an indestructible window in a frame that could rot in ten years ) .
10 He will be aware that there is still a problem in my constituency and the south-west with the burden of the business rate , but is not the last thing that small businesses want the layers of bureaucracy that would result from 10 new regional assemblies , new sex and race discrimination legislation and the hundreds of new quangos that Labour would put into practice in its first year of office ?
11 Following his ill-fated collaboration with Crystal Gayle on the soundtrack to Coppola 's One From the Heart , Waits released the brilliantly eclectic Swordfishtrombones , the first instalment of a trilogy that would continue through 1985 's Rain Dogs and conclude with 1987 's Franks Wild Years .
12 The result was that it then became possible to record the data on a continuous re-circulating loop of tape that would last for 25 hours before being erased and used again .
13 So that was the , the philosophy behind that particular proposal , that where you 've got development works , you take them out of the budget , and the bidding process , and try and get a rolling programme of expenditure and receipts , so that , if that 's approved that would deal with two and three .
14 The Wheatley Commission was concerned to establish regions that would conform to four criteria : they should be large enough to carry out their functions effectively ; they should correspond with genuine communities ; they should form distinctive parts of Scotland ; and finally , there should be a ‘ certain balance ’ between the various regions ( Wheatley 1969:176 ) .
15 Once out of the village they picked up speed and took a road that would zigzag through five hamlets before bringing them to the only cart track that wound up the lower slopes of the mountain .
16 He carried gloomy news of the European powder-keg that would detonate within five months , and neither would play again at home .
17 This is a typical problem that would come into one of our advice centres where a consumer has bought something , f failed to get any satisfaction from the shop and then has gone to the advice centre to er has found and tries to find the nearest Citizen 's Advice Bureau or Advice Centre to try to get advice .
18 it was like Windows One that was it said the last Windows version that would run on Two Eight Sixes .
19 Intor is presently conceived as a 600 MW ( thermal ) reactor that would run for 10 years , researching and , we hope , demonstrating the practicability of repeated long pulses burning thermonuclear fuel in a tokamak .
20 a hundred projects that will disappear in three months .
21 Suppose that the current par yields on bonds that will mature in one , two and three years ' time are given respectively by 10,10.25 and 10.75 per cent .
22 It will explain that the proposal is that any party which gains a minimum proportion of the votes to a constituent assembly will be entitled to representation in a government of national unity that will rule until 1999-2000 .
23 The green product is now available in Canada at about $14 for a 100 millilitre bottle that will last for ten days — long enough , he says , to cure anyone 's smoking habit .
24 Thus informed and protected you are ready — but only if it seems right for you — to embark upon a sexual journey that will last in one way or another for a life time .
25 They should look at the Europe that will exist in five or 10 years ' time , at a Community with 18 or 20 members and perhaps even more , and at the interests that we have in common — security , defence , foreign policy , the environment , prosperity and peace in the world .
26 A senior official from the Forestry Office has acknowledged that " official decisions are needed now to address the problems that will emerge in 20 years " .
27 Meanwhile , providing bindings between C++ and SQL3 ( SQL3 does not exist but is a label for the ANSI SQL standard that will emerge in 1995/6 ) is one of Beech 's chief interests and Oracle is investigating various styles of binding between the two languages .
28 The optimised compiler has a blended mode option for applications that will run on 80486 and Pentium boxes as well as a Pentium-only mode .
29 The optimized compiler has a blended mode option for applications that will run on 80486 and Pentium boxes as well as a Pentium-only mode .
30 I think there 's a third fact that you touched on earlier that I think it 's just worth mentioning and that is that we know it 's also a genetic pre-disposition to anorexia nervosa , in other words , we know that in certain families it is a disorder that will run from one generation to another .
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