Example sentences of "that [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 I had considered that perhaps the clues to the several lost treasures were concealed in the fabric of the buildings , that clues might be readily available for the discerning eye — although , logic would surely dictate otherwise .
2 It was hoped that soon the lines to the Don basin and Nizhnii Novgorod would be electrified , followed quickly by the whole of the Siberian network .
3 Question 5 is to ensure that whenever the answer to Question 3 is ‘ No ’ the process is examined to see whether it is still a sound investment .
4 Question 5 is to ensure that whenever the answer to Question 3 is ‘ No ’ the process is examined to see whether it is still a sound investment .
5 And Wimpey has gone one stage further to ensure that even the openings to which the windows are fitted reduce air leakage .
6 In that regard it appears that membership of an association creates between the members close links of the same kind as those which are created between the parties to a contract and that consequently the obligations to which the national court refers may be regarded as contractual for the purpose of the application of article 5(1) of the Convention .
7 Another misconception is that a planning appeal is a means of settling a ‘ dispute ’ between applicant and authority and that therefore the issues to be considered are only those raised by the planning authority .
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