Example sentences of "that [pron] [modal v] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What is called the ‘ moral sense ’ is on this account being able to recognize that if , even against my present will , I let myself become aware of how someone in trouble feels , I would be moved to help , and that I ought not to close myself to this awareness .
2 ‘ Has n't it occurred to you , Skeeter , that I might not want to ?
3 ‘ But did it not occur to that massive conceit of yours that I might not want to make love to you ? ’
4 Some like the Sandvik Sandplate have introduced me to products that I might not have otherwise tried .
5 He says that I might not need to get it right ?
6 He says that I might not need to get it , right , because , if , he can only tell half my blood .
7 ‘ My wife thinks I might be risking all my credibility by coming back and that I might not get another job in football .
8 I said a few moments ago that I would not exclude consideration or the need for consideration of the greenbelt purposes served .
9 I think I already knew then that I would not return to my job at the Polytechnic , for the security of that monthly cheque had lost all meaning .
10 ‘ I believe there is n't anyone here that I would not meet with if they would be willing to meet with me .
11 This summer , I concluded that the latter was better than the former and I can give my hon. Friend no assurance that I would not reach the same conclusion again .
12 ‘ But I made a decision that I would not do it beyond the age of 35 , and then I would return to try to make a contribution . ’
13 When I am so self-centred that I would not dream of asking the Spirit for his strength , preferring to go my own way , I am encouraged to recall that ‘ God is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure ’ ( Phil .
14 ‘ Sir , you have been so good to me that I would not leave , unless you require me to , ’ Paul said .
15 ‘ I had a phone call from Mr. Mendelson. ’ — the solicitor — ‘ He asked me if I would agree to accept half of the stock of Mr. Mahmoud on condition that I would not go to court against him .
16 As I walked away , I think I knew that I would not go back .
17 I did my best to reassure her that I would not think her stupid , no matter what her problem .
18 You are also right to suggest that I would not like to part with all of this .
19 I remember ‘ laying down a fleece ’ that I would not proceed towards the ordained ministry unless the Lord enabled me to lead another to Christ before a certain date : there is nothing that concentrates the mind as such an agreement with God !
20 It is to the great credit of the editors that I would not have known if they had not stated this in the preface .
21 Ezek. 22.30 — ‘ I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it , but I found none . ’
22 I was so relieved to see the fear had left him that I would not have minded had he asked me to get into bed with him .
23 I found myself questioning many of their beliefs in a way that I would not have dared to do at the beginning of the study ; I could question them in their own terms and in doing so , test the boundaries of their beliefs .
24 Years later , when I was with Sandford in the Second World War , he told me that people in Addis Ababa had been saying that I would not have one chance in ten of survival if I entered Aussa .
25 I tried to get most of my work done today so that I would not have so much to do on the weekend .
26 There was no advance planning to reach this figure and I decided at the beginning that I would not cut corners in an effort to keep within the budget .
27 I did not threaten to resign but I did make it clear that I would not endorse changes I could not justify .
28 The first thing I said to the commissioning editors when I met them is that I would not commission one programme .
29 I stated that I would not hesitate to condemn and punish unacceptable behaviour ; equally , I would issue praise .
30 I was determined that I would not weep or make the parting harder for him , and I managed to say goodbye taut and dry-eyed .
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