Example sentences of "that [pron] [noun] have [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It means that my officers have fewer prisoners to deal with . ’
2 I was miserable with cold , but although I was prepared to admit that I was miserable , I was n't prepared to admit that my misery had any connection with cold .
3 I have to point out that my blaster has enough power for a couple of bursts , and if necessary I 'll use them .
4 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
5 The basic problem for the Emperor was that while France needed Britain it was not at all clear to British statesmen that their country had any need of France — except when it suited British interests .
6 Over the past four decades , Japanese managers have often readily admitted that their companies have much to learn from more creative Americans or Europeans .
7 A 300 million fund was therefore established for making ‘ payments ’ ( as distinct from compensation ) to owners who could successfully claim that their land had some development value on the ‘ appointed day ’ — the day on which the provisions of the Bill which prevented landowners from realising development values came into force .
8 Ironically , the recreational users and providers invariably argue that their pursuits have little or no environmental impact , and yet they are reluctant to share or publicise ‘ their sites ’ and resources — why ?
9 Consequently parents may not suspect that their child has any hearing problem as there is no ear infection .
10 Sufferers will deny that their problems have any connection with alcohol or drugs or other addictive substances or behaviour and will protect their employment until it is almost the very last thing to go before the final total surrender to addiction .
11 It is true that high-level Bolshevik theorists in Moscow and Petrograd tended to select , filter , and interpret evidence from the localities in the light of their prevailing general beliefs , so that their conclusions had little foundation in hard evidence .
12 There is a body , the National League against the Venereal Diseases , which receives a grant from the government and organizes lectures in schools , prisons , and to the army , but it is clear that their efforts have little effect on the prevalence of disease .
13 These countries ' fiscal systems are so inefficient , it is argued , that their governments have little option but to actively employ the inflation tax .
14 I muttered something about not wanting to trample over the very different memories they must all have of Conor , talked a little about the family 's surprise at finding that their son had such an extensive social and business life .
15 He did n't know when they 'd be back ; all he knew was that his boss had some kind of private deal going with the gang foreman of a motorway sub-contractor , and the boys always appeared without notice , worked at the speed of practised moonlighters , and probably got their money in a plain envelope passed under a pub table somewhere .
16 And even though the same scientists were involved in that experimentation , Rohmer could not resist a kind of immature pride in the fact that his unit had more than the others .
17 However disagreements arose between the two parties and after taking legal advice Mr Manners challenged the terms of the Licence and argued that his occupation had all the rights of a protected tenancy . ’
18 Yet despite praise for the report and stated commitments to implement it , Sir Ronald still has no tangible evidence that his work had any useful purpose .
19 Freud may have been writing at a time of increasing urbanisation resulting from rapid industrialisation , but it is not at all clear that his work has any specifically ‘ urban ’ connotations .
20 Realising that his son had little chance of success in Munich Leopold began trying to encourage him to lay other plans and Nannerl joined in the plea saying :
21 If we do not know whether they are representative , then we can not claim that our conclusions have any relevance to anybody else at all .
22 Galbraith , as always , writes in pellucid prose , and has not lost his talent for demonstrating that our rulers have few clothes when it comes to justification of their economic policies .
23 We suspect that your recommendations have little to do with Pool 's well-being , and much to do with preserving the secrets of your people . ’
24 Remember what a cloud is — it 's vapour intangible — see that your cloud has that quality .
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