Example sentences of "that [adj] who [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is a topic that some who visit the elderly find extremely boring , just as others find it fascinating .
2 There is also evidence that many who have the financial means to be mobile are actually committing themselves to post-retirement migration .
3 Now , it is hoped that all who need a supplement to their basic pension obtain it , but there is still evidence that many do not .
4 It is essential for the well-being of society that those who hold the functionally most important positions perform their roles diligently and conscientiously .
5 A Rail Regulator will ensure that all companies have fair access to the track and will make sure that those who win the franchises honour the terms of their contract .
6 By defining poverty as starvation and destitution , he was able to claim that not many people in Britain are poor and that those who argue the case for improvements to welfare provision , ‘ the poverty lobby and the media ’ , are really intent on furthering their socialist aims through calling Western material capitalism a failure .
7 The administration demonstrated the same speed and foresight in recognising that those who control the monopoly of the means of destruction can translate into the monopoly of gain .
8 For all we know , they may have been our allies two years ago … the only important fact to have emerged from the inquiry is that those who know the truth will never willingly give evidence …
9 It 's generally assumed that those who forego the pleasures of the flesh are elderly , but a report in the American Journal of Psychiatry reveals that 75pc are under the age of 38 .
10 It is important that those who commission a work give the composer a brief of what is required and information about the resources available .
11 However , the centrality of the state in the development of Tanzania suggests that those who staff the state apparatus do enjoy a measure of autonomy from class control .
12 Great care should be exercised by the candidate in seeing that those who sign the nomination paper are electors for the electoral area .
13 Instead , the more legitimate approach is to demand that those who maintain the existing system in the face of scientific development must justify their position by pointing to these considerations of reason and policy .
14 Here the general principle is that those who receive the largest amount of money overall receive it at the least frequent intervals and rank highest in the hierarchy of power .
15 As he continues with the prayer that those who receive the sacrament may " be fulfilled with all hevenly benediction and grace through Jesus Christ " , so Rolle in The Form of Living now turns to a description of the interior awareness of this fulfilment .
16 It therefore creates something of a paradox which ensures that those who make a marginal move are inevitably referred back ‘ to the centre ’ , as being the realm of ‘ real policing ’ .
17 Although the number of expatriates who voted is not known , it is generally accepted that those who take the trouble to register are likely to vote .
18 But speculative source-study can reveal more about the reading of the scholar than about the actual text whose possible sources are the object of the exercise and , after all , it is only to be expected that those who share a faith will also share a way of expressing it .
19 The other important but less visible change is that those who operate the robots and computers are part-time women workers .
20 That can be ameliorated if the manager reduces uncertainty by turning to those sources of information — of every kind — which are essential for good organization and by ensuring that those who provide the information are reliable and responsive .
21 A distinguishing feature is that those who provide the service are often the ones who sell that service .
22 My instinct is to believe that those who defend the autonomy of their particular " level " are right to do so but I also think that our present state of knowledge is insufficient to permit us to understand satisfactorily how this level autonomy comes about .
23 Rose used the book to sell vines too , ‘ my self also with so plentiful a Stock of Sets and Plants of all those Sorts which I chiefly recommend , that those who have a desire to Store their Grounds , may receive them of me at very reasonable Rates ’ .
24 There is more chance that those who have an alternative and more satisfying philosophy of sex may now speak up and be heard .
25 They are practices which ensure that those who have the advantage of a network of friends and relations in secure employment will have a better chance of obtaining jobs than those who have a network of friends and relations who have suffered long-term unemployment .
26 And we pray for the refugees of our world , asking that those who have the power and ability to help may have the resources and will to provide food , clothing , shelter and a permanent home .
27 The growth of fringe bodies is a retreat from the simple democratic principle evolved in the nineteenth century that those who perform a public duty should be fully responsible to an electorate — by way either of a minister responsible to Parliament or of a locally elected council .
28 The situation seems to be that those who want a car like J7 HPC will pay , within reason , what it takes to get a good one from a source they can trust .
29 Game shooting is very often the primary sporting consideration and this can mean that those who want the rabbiting rights may have to accept restrictions on time and place — on guns and dogs too .
30 Seduced by the flashy demonstrations or the apparent ease of use of the various environment managers , whether Apple 's , Windows or GEM , they adopted desktop publishing wholesale and gave it to secretarial staff on the assumption that those who produce the documents ought to be the ones who make it look pretty .
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