Example sentences of "that [adj] [noun] [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 I did not speak to Harold Wilson or to Lady Falkender about the matter , since I was sure that strenuous efforts would be made to prevent disclosure , but I was equally sure from Denis Hamilton 's attitude that this would not succeed and it was therefore better not to try .
2 Some economists have argued that short-term unemployment should be excluded from the official figures in order that the statistics be made more useful to policy-makers .
3 By this , structuralists ( Miliband and Poulantzas alike ) mean that short-term concessions might be given to , or seized by , interests antithetical to capitalism , but once these interests pushed their demands beyond what was safe for the continuity of the capitalist mode of production and accumulation , then economic crisis would arise to constrain choice and force policy-makers to recognise that they operated within a capitalist world economic system .
4 Higham 's book describes how decisions are made in practice , including the way that inter-faculty disputes can be resolved in library committees .
5 It believes that one-tier authorities would be better than the two-tier authorities that exist everywhere except the metropolitan areas .
6 The process will include editing , so that sub-standard slides can be identified for replacement by new photographs when possible .
7 This result implies that domain-specific collocations may be superior to general collocations in analysing documents from the same domain .
8 Although it is not clear that subjective risk can be biased in this way theories of driving which stress a schematic or conceptual representation of the environment ( e.g. Dubois , 1991 ; Fleury , Mazet & Dubois , 1988 ; Groeger , 1988 , 1989 ; Riemersma , 1988 ) might suggest that biases in the perception of the environment would indirectly lead to biases in subjective risk , either because risk is an important aspect of such schemata or because subjective risk would result from the inconsistency between the environment and pre-existing schemata .
9 felt that associated members might be connected with suppliers but not with Funeral Directors .
10 If lead-free petrol has some disastrous effect on British cars unknown to the DoT working party , rest assured that Associated Octel will be giving the editor of New Scientist the full horrid details without delay .
11 We were anxious therefore to reduce to a minimum the number of samples where parental choice was unclear so from November 1990 we sent lists of infants untested to the local health district at the end of each month so that parental choice could be checked while the original sample was still usable .
12 Edis and Brabazon have suggested that parental involvement would be improved if parents were given more extensive rights .
13 However , no one has seriously challenged the view that attempted suicide should be regarded as an inappropriate way of coping with problems .
14 For all these reasons , it is clear that attempted suicide should be discouraged as a way of coping .
15 But while details of the police operation are being kept under wraps , it is thought likely that armed officers will be on standby .
16 Also , of course , the equations were of importance because of their connection with the problem from which they were derived : here was the hope that turbulent phenomena could be modelled by simple finite-dimensional systems , but this aspect too was largely ignored .
17 Hitler had apparently demanded that fifty hostages should be killed for every dead German soldier , and Himmler had wanted whole areas of Rome to be cleared and their inhabitants deported .
18 Because the CD68 antigen is derived from lysosomes , this finding is in agreement with the fact that lysosomal proteins may be subjected to apical transport , thus reaching the microvilli of polarised cells .
19 And with the EC trade barriers coming down there are worries that counterfeit goods will be able to move into the UK with even greater ease .
20 Trading Standards officers say that counterfeit goods will be seized … and traders will face prosecution .
21 Note here that open-market operations must be conducted in the bond market not the bill market , since selling Treasury bills would merely exchange one liquid asset for another !
22 In effect , Bruno was arguing that divine attributes could be given physical meaning — as Newton was to do later when he reconstructed space in terms of God 's omnipresence .
23 If weights were seriously adrift , plant management were informed so that corrective action could be taken .
24 And little by little they came to see the great Christian doctrine that eternal sin must be , in the very nature of things , eternal punishment or eternal misery .
25 Dr Dalton , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , had put £50 million from the sale of surplus war stores into the Fund so that outstanding land could be purchased as a ‘ thank-offering for victory ’ .
26 It was not something he had considered much before now , but he could see that outstanding looks could be more of a curse than a blessing .
27 DG-X is motivated by a feeling that European society must be protected from ‘ American cultural imperialism ’ and ‘ Japanese technological domination ’ .
28 The Soviets obtained what they had hoped for since the war : an agreement that European borders should be changed only by peaceful means , which in effect recognised the post-war settlement in Eastern Europe .
29 More recently a series of anecdotal reports suggested that colonic neoplasia might be missed in patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms or lesions .
30 Recent evidence has suggested that colonic neoplasm may be missed in patients presenting with iron deficiency anaemia unless colonic investigations are performed on all patients even when an alternative cause has been found .
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