Example sentences of "that [verb] he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then swabbed the wash-basin clean guided Maxim downstairs and found their shoes and socks moving with a numb efficiency that abstracted him from the terrors of his imagination .
2 Her face went blank , but this time Guy saw the effort it cost her to regain that air of remote calm , and her eyes still held a mute appeal that stabbed him to the heart .
3 It was the same mentality that led him into the folie de grandeur of thinking that , having been a champion driver , he was also fitted to run a motor-racing team — indeed , to think that he was better fitted to do so than those for whom he had worked and driven .
4 Presumably it was both practical and political reasons that led him to the subject working party strategy .
5 However , he begins , after a fashion that is less rare with him than is commonly supposed , by apologizing for the impressionism that supplies him with the terms he needs :
6 It was good skill and strength that got him around the center-half ( Wetherall I think ) and his near post shoy crept in via Beeny .
7 He went inside and the kitchen scents hit him then , laying down a trail that drew him across the creaking boards and down the hall .
8 It was this very vision that drew him to a man with whom he had so little in common besides .
9 What is it about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart that places him on an artistic par with Shakespeare or Rembrandt , a giant of his art ?
10 The dangerous journey in store for Sard is not in fact in pursuit of the ideal woman , but a prosaic attempt to get back to his ship before it sails , an attempt frustrated by the theft of his bicycle and by wanderings that involve him with a silver-train and a period in gaol , the traverse of an appalling desert and a rock-strewn mountain .
11 Parenthetically , erm he says somewhere in his autobiography that the one thing that consoled him in the nineteen-hundreds when he was so miserable with his wife and his mathematics , was the devising of , was the devising of prose rhythms .
12 The fate that befell him in the 1956 Grand National booked him a permanent place not only in the reminiscences of racing folk but in the British national memory .
13 As he stood there , his glittering black eyes were the only feature that identified him as a living creature , and not a darker patch of shadow in the benighted forest .
14 There was a sensuousness about it that filled him with a desire to run shouting across it , to roll in it , to bury his face in it and sniff life out of its roots , to draw up his childhood from the green stems , to lie supine and shade his eyes from the sun and dream himself back into nature .
15 DEREK RANDALL , Nottinghamshire 's former England batsman , is recovering from a cartilage operation to cure knee trouble that hampered him in the closing stages of the season .
16 Connors left the Brazilian shaking his head in disbelief as he hit winners at will and showed the kind of form that rocketed him to the semi-finals last year .
17 It was Darwin 's fortune that spared him from the drudgery which wore out his contemporaries , and allowed him to do his research without worrying about whether he would have bread and cheese .
18 Not only has Mellor lost the cherished Cabinet post that thrust him to the forefront of British politics , but he has also waved goodbye to the Heritage Secretary 's salary of £63,047 .
19 At 11 p.m. on the night of June 18 , when Edward was sitting bog-eyed with weariness in the small metal box that served him as a cabin , Foley sought him out .
20 Tabitha separated herself from Marco with a convulsive heave that spreadeagled him against the porthole .
21 That is a talent that followed him to the Foreign Office and to the Department of Health , where he helped Ken Clarke take on hospital doctors attacking their tales of long hours as ‘ fishermen 's stories ’ .
22 She wanted to say no , to go on treating him and everything that surrounded him with the same nonchalant air she 'd managed thus far .
23 In addition , despite a disarmingly pleasant manner , Reagan was widely considered to harbour views that placed him outside the mainstream of American politics ; there was a possibility that he might tamper with social security or lead his country into war .
24 Council members mostly agreed they are a hazard , and Peter pointed out that if the car that hit him on a roundabout had been fitted with them , he would n't be here now .
25 As he tried to grab me , I feinted , slipped back to make him follow me , knowing he would think I was afraid , and then I let him have a classic straight left that hit him on the point of the jaw .
26 Philip Tufnell is welcomed back to Test cricket after his appendix operation by a Waqar Younis yorker that hit him on the foot
27 He concentrated on drawing cartoons and in 1932 had his first acceptance from Punch , the beginning of a partnership that established him as a major comic artist and one of the most original talents in the long history of the magazine .
28 The perspective of the poem follows its language , tumbling suddenly into a burst of passion and emotion as the poet struggles to observe the forces that buffet him in the heart of his mind .
29 His threat reflected anger at the results of an internal party election that relegated him to the number four spot in the party leadership and his supporters to inferior slots on the party ticket .
30 Once all the books on the bottom shelf were used to make three gigantic pyramids that sent him into a fit of despair .
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