Example sentences of "that [verb] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , that the acid test whether or not benefit is collateral is that laid down by Best J , namely " Is the covenant beneficial to the owner for the time being of the covenantee 's land , and to no one else ? "
2 However , the Junkers , military , civil service and politicians chose to react to the Polish uprisings of 1830 , 1846 , 1848 , 1863 and 1905 — which took place in the Russian and Austrian sectors — by seeing , not a social and political movement that harked back to French revolutionary practice , and which aimed only in part at the restoration of the Polish state , but a Polish threat to Prussian and German identity .
3 Such a realization may have been fuelled by my existing knowledge of mythology ( though it is not detailed in this respect ) , but it arose in a form that conveyed more in two seconds than two hours of normal thought could produce .
4 ‘ Good thinking , Princess , ’ he said , with an easy charm that made up for any lack of etiquette .
5 He was in a clump of brambles , in the middle of which was a rabbit-hole that led up from one of the warren passages below .
6 He argued that these were : a desire to secure career advancement or at least not prejudice career chances ; a willingness to push matters in order to measure his own cleverness and particularly dexterity at getting around the rules ; to experience the satisfaction which comes from having the power that goes both with high corporate status and criminally victimizing other organizations or persons ; a need to maintain his position within the peer group or family network .
7 Erm yeah er mm yeah no I 'm quite intrigued myself about this , this idea that erm somehow it 's heterosexuals who trus who are trustworthy and that , you know , once you have a sexuality that 's different from heterosexuality then you ca n't be trusted with children and you , you know you , you ca n't be trusted to er you know I do n't know , run boys ' clubs , you ca n't be trusted in , in a , you know , it 's sort of , it 's almost like , like erm er it , it almost flies in the face of evidence that the vast majority of sexual abuse that goes on of one sort or another is , is heterosexual , it 's
8 The associative learning that goes on during such pre-exposure will be dependent upon the context in which training occurs , and to this extent latent inhibition will be attenuated by a change of context .
9 However the background activity that goes on before any product launch can be quite considerable , lasting several months and involving many departments and even more people .
10 his brother arrives in Boston before he , miners who want the miners families ' ranch that goes on till seven thirty
11 The Learning that goes on in higher education justifies the label ‘ higher ’ precisely because it refers to a state of mind over and above conventional recipe or factual learning .
12 ‘ I ought to have found this out before , especially as I usually know everything that goes on in this village , but they 've managed to keep it secret .
13 In primary 6 and 7 that goes up to one hour l5 minutes . ’
14 It is becoming more , not less important to provide adequate teaching in schools on personal relationships and on how people should treat one another that goes far beyond straightforward lessons on sex education — important though this is .
15 Sky are determined to disprove the hackneyed managerial cliche that ‘ it 's all about 90 minutes ’ with a variety show that goes far beyond 22 men and a ball .
16 What I can help you with is an understanding of the nature of a product that goes far beyond these crudities ; these academic categories masquerading as truths . ’
17 And anything that goes in between those disturbs the beam and it causes an electric current to sound the alarm and it 's the same thing that happens with the er detectors .
18 The most important , perhaps , is freedom from the restrictive grasp of the ‘ all together now ’ class teaching system that goes back to Victorian times .
19 I advise him that with unlimited spending , with arbitrary revaluations , with a rates proposal that goes back to 1973
20 Now in fact what that means for me is that actually we 're all programmers — we always have been — but we have n't been used to explaining it in quite the way that computers need us to explain it , and of course that goes back to this question of understanding English that we were talking about last time .
21 Richard Parker Landscapes Colour Around Us , The Art Gallery , Queensway , Billingham ( until June 27 ) IN what is effectively a full-scale retrospective with work that goes back to 1958 , Richard Parker shares with us his great love of landscape .
22 The Penhill site may be the source of a story that goes back to Celtic mythology , " The Legend of the Giant of Penhill " .
23 But what you 're doing here I think it is er , er an example of the partnership , a partnership that goes back for many years , certainly during World War Two and I think er it is still strong and er holds firm today the partnership between the United States and Great Britain .
24 He also dismissed the allegation — popular with some Christian mason-watchers — that freemasonry was founded in an x ‘ antiquity that goes back into pagan religions well before the birth of Christ ’ .
25 The hedge was cut in the summer with the fruit already formed , and the trimmings lie beneath it , covered with dry , wrinkled damsons that taste exactly like thin-fleshed prunes .
26 It was the mixed blood he did n't like , the native Irish in Francis that lived uneasily with all that dour Scots ancestry .
27 He had no objection to telling him when Adam and Anne were returning : next Tuesday on the Iberian Airlines flight from Tenerife that got in at 1.30 p.m .
28 In the past the industry has frequently appeared bogged down by the use of a range of technical terms that mean little to potential customers .
29 In the past the industry has frequently appeared bogged down by the use of a range of technical terms that mean little to potential customers
30 The DPP 's worries are premature : the KMT 's aim in the talks is merely to establish a framework for dealing with the problems that crop up between two commercial partners whose business is booming , but whose governments have no relations .
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