Example sentences of "that [verb] [pron] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 I hope that got us through the little post-lunch siesta period , erm , we 're going to do another er , time management game now which will take about half an hour , and I need to split you up once again into groups , erm , okay .
2 In Mahal [ 1991 ] Crim LR 632 ( CA ) , it was held that a jury could find that pushing someone through an open window 22 feet from the ground could lead to " the risk of some harm " .
3 The main lawn and border shapes have been laid out in a flowing line that leads you through the garden , echoing the curve of the path .
4 Initial domiciliary assessments are carried out by either a medical or a non-medical team member by using a semistructured schedule that guides them through the various clinical , functional , social , and other components of the assessment .
5 The acquisition of a skill is a tortuous process that takes us through the following sequence :
6 Within that pack there is erm er if you like the book that takes you through the slides that have been put up there today .
7 Then the reader 's fingernail will be able to produce the scent of clematis that wafts in through my window , the foie gras that awaits me at lunch , the liquid inspiration that gets me through the final paragraph .
8 FROM Sasbach my next target was the Danube , a drive that took me through the Black Forest .
9 Valdo and Romario soon defied the squelching conditions with a double exchange of passes that took them through the middle of the Dutch defence before the ball rolled across a gaping goalmouth with no one to apply a finishing touch .
10 Aft , Grimm was labouring in the stygian engine crypt by electrocandle and lantern light , tuning the drive that bore them through the warp .
11 Reluctantly she stepped on to a moving walkway that carried her through a mishmash of exotic atmospheres .
12 They can see and smell lines and shapes that lead them through the darkest night , point out lines of demarcation , isolate territories .
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