Example sentences of "that [verb] [art] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Er , a fourth year of record profits , record er , sales , record margin , with the schools business thirty seven percent ahead of the previous year with our successful maths programme , aided and abetted by er , the business that produces the manipulatives to go with the maths programme .
2 Secondly , scientific and technological advances allowing exploitation and exploration of areas not previously susceptible to such activities , and the corresponding increased capacity to exhaust the world 's resources or to monopolise a market , mean that even those States that lack the resources to take advantage themselves are still directly concerned in the activities of others .
3 The day that made the appointment to see and Co , Nick after coming out of that meeting with Nick , we called in at the office , myself and my wife , and whilst I was tidying some things up because I 'd got the remainder of the afternoon off , Charles ' wife said to my wife , my wife actually broke down in tears , and she says , What 's up ?
4 It is probably her presence that encourages the children to compare the size of the dolls and to talk about things they notice as they play .
5 Equally , however , it might be perfectly reasonable to use a headline that encourages the reader to read on to find out what the proposition is .
6 There is perhaps something to be said for the continued use of the term student from the motives that led the Greeks to call the Furies the Eumenides , " the kindly ones ' , in the hope that the use of a flattering name might induce them to live up to it .
7 There was a moment 's consultation between Webb-Bowen and his minder , that led the chairman to announce that an amendment had been tabled which , he said , would be moved after the proposer and seconder had spoken , by Ms Amaranth Wilikins .
8 Wharfe is a quiet little community that offers no inducements to passersby to disturb its tranquillity .
9 As I write , I can think of a couple of billboard posters that make no attempt to conceal their debt to the Belgian fantasist : a Silk Cut advertisement , which discards the regular purple silk motif in favour of a neutral cream back ground on which are set the letters P U R P L and E , snipped from some newspaper 's headlines as if by a poison pen writer ; and another whose legend , ‘ I did n't know that Air France had more flights to Paris than any other airline company ’ , is illustrated by the portrait of a man whose face is obscured by a fried egg .
10 Many families often feel that assisting the child to reinforce his or her identity in terms of colour and ethnicity will probably render the child unable to form a healthy attachment to them ; the child may feel that he or she should belong to a black family .
11 There is at least a possibility that given the opportunity to reconsider their votes a majority of voters would have chosen Camel .
12 Tretorn accept that the Association should have the right to choose the right ball on quality criteria in conjunction with the specifications laid out by the International Tennis Federation , ( which Tretorn balls meet ) , but feels that allowing the LTA to choose the type of ball , could lead to unfair discrimination against its permanent pressure variety .
13 Cobb argues that social support arises in the eye of the beholder , and is anything that influences the person to perceive himself as the recipient of positive affect ; any information ‘ leading the subject to believe that he is cared for and loved … esteemed and valued … ’
14 This is a simple easy to use 16 colour paint package that needs a mouse to run .
15 It was the beginnings of change in some local authorities and the pressure from the left that created the move to reform within the Board of Education .
16 For the first time a sensation pierced the numbness and it caused Joe 's body to jerk and send a message to his brain that created the desire to shout , ‘ Do n't call me that , because I 'm not a sir .
17 Firstly , hopes that opening the universities to lower social classes might reveal untapped reserves of brain-power have been disappointed .
18 This is an announcement that accompanies a call to participate , and that needs to be put into action .
19 Play is a free , wide-ranging experimentation that has a part to play in relationships , in creative activity , and in scientific and technological advancement .
20 The only way in which we can help is having a Labour government that has a policy to secure verifiable arms reductions .
21 ‘ You do n't really think that has a thing to do with what you wear or what you have on your face , do you ? ’
22 Although I 'm sure that has a lot to do with the way I listen , Louis Armstrong being this all-time winner and happy guy . ’
23 But making permanent appointments to a group that has the authority to make decisions creates an elite , and effectively transforms the peer group into a hierarchy .
24 There is no hook of that size manufactured that has the strength to withstand the pull of an 8lb line , which is thicker in diameter than the hook itself .
25 Soon after the eruption last year , Brian Toon , of the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffatt Field , California , was quoted as saying , ‘ this is really the first time in modern meteorology that something has happened that has the potential to affect the climate .
26 ‘ Life Forever ’ gives birth to one of the most gorgeous , melancholy intros you 'll have heard for eons , before launching into a track that has the potential to take the pelican crossing between all manner of specialist clubs .
27 The result is a system that has the potential to recognise every word in the language .
28 The conflict over the future of Northern Ireland thus draws our attention to a rather neglected question in discussion of democracy : what is the group that has the right to decide a particular policy or issue , by a majority vote if necessary ?
29 Another is the sawfly , which lays its eggs always along the midrib of the leaf , and with them a hormone that causes the leaves to roll up from the edges in to enclose and protect the emerging larvae in a neat tubular hideaway .
30 A perm makes the hair more porous but it is the rinsing that causes the hair to swell , which is when the damage is likely to occur .
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