Example sentences of "that [noun] [vb base] in the " in BNC.

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1 Earlier we spoke of the selective interests that disciplines take in the world .
2 It is certainly true that states have in the past used methods and means of warfare not outlawed by any specific prohibition although running counter to general principles , and they have sought to justify this by reference either to the principle of reprisal or that of military effectiveness .
3 The Earth , in fact , has enormous ‘ sinks ’ for both oxygen and carbon , and it is when these become full that excesses accumulate in the atmosphere .
4 There is a growing body of research which shows that cultures differ in the way conversations and other forms of spoken discourse are conducted .
5 During magnetic storms the intense electrical currents that f ow in the upper atmosphere heat the air , causing it to expand .
6 Jezrael could n't even lift her head to look because he 'd told her that eyes shine in the darkness ; as well light a beacon .
7 Cognitive–Behavioural treatments have been the most extensively evaluated interventions of all the psychotherapeutic schools in relation to these disorders and they do indicate that clients benefit in the short term , but little is known about the maintenance of change in the long term .
8 I want to be beautiful , so stunning that heads turn in the street , boys fall over themselves to ask me out , and everyone admires me .
9 The manner in which these principles of linguistic organisation are involved in the real-time learning of languages — whether it is in the case of children learning their native languages , or adults learning second languages — raises many important questions about the way that innate principles and actual experience of language interact to produce the competence that speakers have in the languages they speak .
10 The dreams that subjects report in the laboratory tend to be mundane , and lack the bizarre quality of dreams reported in the morning .
11 On her own examination of the evidence , Bachrach has argued that community services have not generally assisted the chronic population and that communities differ in the degree to which they have been ‘ ready ’ to accept the retreat from institutions .
12 Quality in teacher placements might be measured in terms of the formation of a partnership between school and industry that effects change in the classroom for the benefit of the pupil .
13 Dischidia nummularia has lens-shaped leaves with no ant-association , while D. parvifolia in the Malay Peninsula with similar leaves is associated with Crematogaster ants , which , in the mountains , make tunnels at the bases of Leptospermum flavescens trees and take Dischidia seeds inside such that plants germinate in the insect frass there , such that their distribution is thereby associated with that of the tree .
14 It consists of notes and coin ( both in circulation and in banks ' tills ) , and the operational balances that banks hold in the Bank of England .
15 The pool of workers in the sector is assumed fixed at P. This might be because the employment contract is a repeated game , so that workers remain in the sector in anticipation of future employment , or it could be because there are high costs to leaving the sector .
16 Furthermore , ‘ social divisions of welfare ’ have been identified recognizing not merely that there are different sources of welfare for individuals but also that individuals differ in the access they have to different welfare systems .
17 Again , it seems to follow that the perceptual experiences that observers have in the act of seeing is not uniquely determined by the images on their retinas .
18 Essentially , occupational pension schemes are designed — by men with male ‘ family wage-earners ’ and male middle-class career patterns in mind , so not only do they exclude the majority of part-time workers , but they tend to assume that earnings peak in the final years of working life , which is much less often the case for women than for men .
19 Intriguingly , in his third proposition in favour of the argument that women can be priested , Thomas himself comments that orders lie in the soul , which is the same for both sexes , a point to which curiously ( as George Tavard has pointed out ) he makes no reply .
20 One important finding is that people differ in the number of repetitions needed to establish this kind of learning .
21 and at the same time can I say that you do not equate elitist views and pleasures and pastimes that they may have down in the county somewhere with the kind of deprivation that people face in the inner cities .
22 Learning theory says that people behave in the way they do because of their past learning experiences , and that learning can be organised and planned to produce and eliminate particular behaviours .
23 Leaving aside the money that people drop in the street ( or when making telephone calls ) here is a list of the top five places where coin losses occur
24 Finally , it is worth dwelling briefly on the role that users play in the innovation process , and on the factors which seem to be associated with successful innovation , since these are considerations which help to determine whether joint R&D activities need to be coupled with joint marketing to be successful .
25 Finally , in the dimension of sex-differentiation , it would appear from our studies of ( a ) , ( Ε ) and the ( pull ) alternant ( in addition to many similar cases in the inner city ) that females lead in the development of supra-local norms ( including those that involve systemic simplification ) .
26 ‘ The bad news , ’ Bernice said , ‘ is that HKI specialize in the manufacture of instant transit systems .
27 It is well known in linguistics , for example , that languages vary in the way they encode perceptual phenomena such as colour ; and this variation is probably greater still in the conceptualization of abstract and cultural phenomena .
28 Els Borst-Eilers , of the Health Council of the Netherlands , told the conference that doctors assist in the deaths of around 2,700 people a year .
29 Much of the anthropological work on the methods of child rearing , and the type of socialization that children experience in the various cultures humanity has developed , fails to take account of one important interconnection Freud saw between infant sexuality and the need of civilization to use the energy of sexuality for its purposes .
30 It is clear that SROs operate in the public law sphere and the exercise of their powers is also amenable to judicial review .
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