Example sentences of "that [noun] can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This clearly has to be remedied by repeated reminders that change can only be brought about by the counsellee 's efforts and that consequently , the only part that the counsellor can play is to help decide what is to be done , how , and when .
2 If God 's existence is ‘ wagered upon ’ in the way that the outcome of a race is wagered upon , then by definition that existence can not be certainly known until after the race is run ( presumably after death ) .
3 The implied limitation for which Hambros Jersey contended is riddled with such serious , glaring anomalies that Parliament can not be presumed to have intended to legislate in such terms .
4 The major stumbling block to the last of these is that solicitors can only be remunerated for advice under the green form scheme .
5 What ‘ unfudgeability ’ means is that accounting standards should be set in such a way that accounts can not be fudged ; Mr Damant claims that this is ‘ a new accounting principle ’ .
6 Please remember that performers can not be involved in more than two items .
7 While failure to establish an effective Teachers ' Council supports the view that teaching can not be regarded as a profession , the establishment of such a Council would be fraught with administrative difficulties .
8 Holistic theories suggest that racism can not be eliminated without the radical transformation of state , economy and civil society — whether this entails the dismantling of key institutions or the overthrow of the power structure as a whole .
9 Indeed TQM partly evolved from the realisation that improvements can only be achieved if professional and departmental barriers are broken down , people stop blaming each other for defects and constructively work together to solve them .
10 None of this is to assert that trade can not produce political benefit , or that policies can not be fashioned to this end .
11 The attempt to answer the question ‘ How do you know that p ? ’ by simply reasserting that p can not be successful .
12 Swannson already has a depot in Swindon but it is a condition of his O licence for that operating centre that maintenance can only be carried out in a restricted manner .
13 As a consequence , they dislike having to attend incidents at this time which are so serious that action can not be avoided .
14 This means that sensors can often be mounted directly on the walls of metal reaction vessels and pipework .
15 I will argue , first , that we are inveterate formers of hypotheses about what we are seeing ; second , that computers can only be programmed to see things if they are provided with suitable models ; and third , that our habit of guessing what we are seeing is astonishingly successful .
16 This then ensures that fraud can not be committed without the collusion of at least two individuals .
17 Sales manager Graham Cooper says : ‘ The introduction of video printing techniques means that images can now be ‘ grabbed ’ and transferred on to other materials such as T-shirts , mugs , key-rings and baseball hats .
18 The restriction on volume and speed of delivery means that images can only be built up slowly , at a pace determined by the rate at which data arrives at the terminal .
19 Clark , for example , allows that animals are spared our miseries about money or job prospects , and goes on : ‘ It does not follow , however , from their lack of these distresses that calves can not be acutely distressed at the absence of their mothers , nor that chickens are not distressed when unable to stretch their wings . ’
20 Limitations of this system at present are that subjects can only be studies in the supine position within the magnet , thus imposing constraints on both posture and movement .
21 The same does not apply to the view that religion can not be divorced from a form of morality .
22 Purists would argue that type can not be intelligently designed unless the creator understands the calligraphic origin of the thin and broad parts of most typefaces .
23 It is questionable that texts can always be read as favourably as she seeks to do .
24 In the unlikely event that matters can not be resolved to your satisfaction in the resort , the Representative will ask you to record details of any problems on a Holiday Report Form , of which you will be given a copy , and you must then follow up your report by writing to the Customer Relations Department at our Birmingham Head Office ( quoting the numbers of your Holiday Reference and Holiday Report forms ) within 42 days of returning from resort .
25 A laissez-faire approach of non-intervention has had few adherents in the past , since most economists have accepted that theory and evidence do suggest that matters can not be left entirely to the market .
26 When British Telecom was approached on the subject , we found that DDI can only be operated on a digital system ; the existing system is analogue .
27 Jones is expressing three central and fundamentally related features of Idealist ethics : the idea of service ; the acceptance of one 's position in society and a willingness to perform allotted tasks to the best of one 's ability ; and the belief that morality can not be imposed by external forces , but that it must come from within the individual personality .
28 In particular , by stressing that law must itself contain an element of substantive justice , and that its validity can not be purely formal , such theories clearly show that law can not be isolated from its context .
29 In the same way that law can not be divorced from morality neither can economics .
30 The books show that emotions can not be suppressed .
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