Example sentences of "that [noun] had [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm finding myself somewhat confused , I mean , I was interested that Ian had mentioned the practical voluntary services as one of the groups that he would wish to work with .
2 The summary goes on to say that Stirling had asked the Eighth Army for thirty more jeeps that had already been ordered .
3 Although a trial judge might exclude evidence on the ground of fairness under s 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 , the fact that Parliament had incorporated the provisions of s 2(8) into the 1987 Act suggested that it had not felt that the power under the 1984 Act was sufficient to protect a person from being compelled to give evidence .
4 In Padfield 's case Lord Reid pointed out that Parliament had given the Minister a discretion as to whether complaints were referred to the committee .
5 It could be argued that these provisions would justify allowing any person to challenge exercises of power A , but also applying a more restrictive standing rule ( perhaps something like ‘ special interest ’ ) to challenges to exercises of power B on the ground that Parliament had intended the government body in question to be the prime guardian of the public interest in the exercise of power B.
6 It had been reported in November that Taylor had left the country [ see p. 39181 ] .
7 Charges that there had been no good times in England since William came in , or that William had ruined the nation , were fairly common .
8 On July 18 Barzani denied that there were disagreements between the Kurdish leaders [ see p. 38308 ] , after unconfirmed reports on July 17 that Talabani had left the talks in Baghdad following the government 's insistence on Kurdish allegiance to the Ba'ath Party .
9 Ruskin Spear when he saw The Death of Nelson remarked that Minton had painted the deck like an upright fence .
10 With one part of his mind he logged the fact that Mum had understood the worst immediately and must in some way have been expecting it .
11 Passing sentence Judge John Petrie said he took into account the fact that Spence had spared the young people the ordeal of giving evidence in court by his guilty plea .
12 To understand this protest , it is important to appreciate that Aristotle had made the quest for final causes , for ends or purposes , the highest aim of the student of nature .
13 The first time in weeks that Doyle had had the chance to lazily watch a football match , and almost immediately the phone goes .
14 After a few weeks of our secret meetings , I thought that Sarah had discovered the fact that we were both , in our different ways , being unfaithful to her .
15 Last January a federal judge dismissed those assessments of market value as preposterous , but honoured testimony that Hoelzer had salvaged the work from the trash and restored the panels in good faith .
16 I heard many a rumour in Suffolk pubs of Germans dressed as British soldiers turning up on the shoreline , and I found locals who insisted that Churchill had visited the area in November 1943 and inspected some American bomber bases .
17 Reporting the Lithuanian response , the official Soviet news agency Tass on March 19 announced that Gorbachev had ordered the Soviet government to implement " a number of immediate measures " in the light of information which " bears witness to the fact that the present leadership of the republic has embarked on a path of crude violations of constitutional order and of arbitrarily deciding matters which affect the interest of the USSR " .
18 Then he remembered that Woolley had changed the course before he , Callaghan , saw the plane .
19 For it was there that Beethoven had enhanced the German grandeur of his music with the words of Schiller 's Ode to Joy and thus took the first step towards reintegrating poetry and music as equal partners in a new and sublime unity .
20 The High Court in Edinburgh heard that Sutherland had bought the property , known locally as the White House , for £68,000 in 1989 and rented out the rooms to Department of Social Security tenants .
21 The prosecution pointed out , quite correctly , that Woolridge had borrowed the razor from a fellow trooper in London the day before he travelled to Windsor .
22 It was thanks to the man upstairs that Frankie had acquired the enormous army greatcoat with its fancy epaulettes and polished brass buttons .
23 She was younger and more beautiful and much more clever than any other mother , and she told her friends that Frankie had chosen the name all by himself to prove just how much he loved her .
24 She turned the page with elegant fingers , seemingly unaware that Frankie had entered the room .
25 It was only after the rebellion of autumn 1483 had demonstrated that Richard had lost the support of a significant number of his brother 's men , that it made political sense to indulge in general criticism of Edward IV 's reign .
26 It was only after the rebellion of autumn 1483 had demonstrated that Richard had lost the support of a significant number of his brother 's men , that it made political sense to indulge in general criticism of Edward IV 's reign .
27 The poem in the second volume is longer and far more detailed , suggesting that Octavia had rejected the reasoning of the earlier poem .
28 This prompt removal suggests that he was identified with the Woodvilles , although More is alone in the story that Rotherham had delivered the great seal to the queen when she went into sanctuary .
29 This prompt removal suggests that he was identified with the Woodvilles , although More is alone in the story that Rotherham had delivered the great seal to the queen when she went into sanctuary .
30 No one should get the impression from this that Rotherham had taken the gay community to its bosom .
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