Example sentences of "i never [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I never heard what the teachers said , ’ she wrote , ‘ because I was always too busy watching how they said it . ’
2 I never realised what a sour stink wet blankets can make .
3 ‘ All these years I 've known her and I never realised what a nasty temper she has , ’ said Rose .
4 Education ha ooh I never know what the address of the stupid place is !
5 Oh perhaps I never had it a man came here , from somebody or other double glazing
6 Hence I never knew who the culprit was and was never put into possession of the document or documents which existed and which would certainly have identified that person , since each copy of the minutes had , on my advice , been numbered .
7 True I never saw him the worse for drink , but often the better .
8 And I like Lovejoy , except I 've missed but they 're repeats , but I never saw it the first time .
9 I never cooked something every day the same .
10 Indeed , he might have been perturbed to think that I was diverting so much energy towards his defence ; but , so far as I know , he was ignorant of these interventions of mine , as I never showed him the letters or alluded to them .
11 I never gave him a chance to explain — to tell me his side of things .
12 True , I 'd had trouble with nightmares the two nights following the accident , but the medicine which Doctor Keylock brought sorted that out , and afterwards I never gave it a thought .
13 I never gave it a glance . ’
14 I never twigged what the gold rush was .
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