Example sentences of "i 've [vb pp] about the " in BNC.

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1 Everything I 've said about the training of Dawn might lead you to think it 's just a question of patience and keeping her weight at the right level , but there really is much more to it than that .
2 And I 've heard about the problem on these new Glory models too . ’
3 Desert Orchid 's owner Richard Burridge said : ‘ Yes , I 've heard about the plan but I do n't know exact details . ’
4 I 've heard one like that , I 've heard about the one where the man goes into the and and is there for years .
5 ‘ No , but I 've heard about the place , and I must say they sound as if they 're rather exciting , ’ Lucy said with a certain amount of truth .
6 No , it 's just a general enquiry , really , I I guess erm , erm , you you 've , through you Chairman , I I 've I 've heard about the involvement of officers , but I wonder what extent there is involvement of of of members in the the the process of preparing those reports and presentations of the report , is is there any member comment on that .
7 Well that 's the first first I 've heard about the change to it .
8 Oh I 've heard about the abbey yeah .
9 So we were gon na go to The Two Mills but I 've heard about the Miller 's Kitchen so I thought , we 'll try it .
10 Turning now very briefly to the H One D the Greater York issue , clearly the comments I 've made about the calculations for York have a knock on effect for our position on Greater York , the Greater York figures as I understand it from the County Council are based on a one hundred percent migration assumption , if the technical difference between us er we are right then we believe clearly the Greater York figure should be increased by an appropriate amount , and the we 've suggested the increased cut should be seven hundred er relating to the city itself I ca n't calculate with any great accuracy what the figure for the surrounding parts of Greater York might be , but it would be we suspect only another one to two hundred more on top of that , therefore that underst explains the reason why the City Council suggests that the Greater York should be increased to the ten four figure from the nine seven .
11 Mountain Lover is one of the most intriguing ( in several senses of the word ) books I 've read about the global climbing village .
12 I 've read about the century of rebellions . ’
13 I 've read about the island of Madeira , but I 've never been there .
14 I 've read about the Unionist delegation being bamboozled at Sunningdale , but this is a new generation of Unionists , which the SDLP did n't expect .
15 Erm talking about conservatories for which you need , I 've read about the quiz .
16 ‘ Excuse me , I 've come about the job . ’
17 I 've come about the kitten , ’ he announced .
18 I 've come about the woodworm .
19 I 've come about the kidneys , ’ said Rose practically .
20 Now in this little booklet that I 've got about the er er the potted history of the Cosmopolitan Debating Society , it mentions a very brilliant man by the name of W H , now I was very friendly with him because he was th President of the I L P and I was the secretary .
21 I 've wondered about the implications of the placing of the head in the font , ’ Theodora said thoughtfully , ‘ and what you say about the possibility of its being a symbolic gesture .
22 Erm so that we may well have to link in to the training programme and go back and check , for instance in three where I 've talked about the business plans .
23 To plough on with some of the other negative aspects of the budget , I 've talked about the charges .
24 I 've talked about the erm money project officer , I 'll talk about the service review officer .
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