Example sentences of "i 've [vb pp] from the " in BNC.

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1 Now the question arises : have my taste-buds been ruined by the muck I 've plucked from the mouths of babes ?
2 Now I 've extracted from the nomination form , some things , but I do n't know whether you 've seen them .
3 If he 's glaringly out , I 'll then use the template I 've made from the bass and snare samples , quantise that and get him to play cymbals and hi-hat again on top .
4 Twenty and thirty-pound nets are not uncommon and long ago I lost count of the double-figure nets I 've had from the rivers named above and others such as the Vyrnwy and Banwy , two small rivers which feed the upper Severn .
5 ‘ I started as a player in pro football in 1953 and what I 'm trying to do now is put back some of the enjoyment I 've had from the game , ’ he added .
6 That 's right so you then go into the en suite room , well I can not tell you the trouble I 've had from the en suite !
7 erm I 'm very sad to be leaving Oxford , I 've very much enjoyed working here , and it 's been good to work for a council with such a high commitment to H I V , and to fighting Aids , and erm I very much the support I 've had from the committee and I hope it will continue erm in this way .
8 I 've come from the market . ’
9 In this review , I 've started from the premise that Excel is capable of doing all the spreadsheety things — like adding columns of figures , applying formulae , and allowing complex calculations based upon built-in functions .
10 I 've got some quotes here that I 've taken from the book which shows not only how Dickens thought women ought to behave , but how the readers , since he was writing for a public market , the readers too thought the ideal woman ought to behave .
11 Erm perhaps I could answer that Chairman by saying that the policy I 've suggested from the Humberside structure plan would er would I think cover that er problem in that it starts off by saying , Proposals for industry and commerce that are not in accordance with the relevant policies of this plan will not normally be permitted .
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