Example sentences of "i could not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The relief was superb but I could n't move at all .
2 I could n't move like that .
3 But I could n't move from Glesca .
4 I could n't care less whether I go dancing or not me
5 I could n't care about the insurance companies , although I love your where I choose .
6 I spent two years in Washington trying to be a surgeon , but I could n't settle in the States . ’
7 And I says oh God no I could n't sit between , she says I swear they 'll not know you 're doing it .
8 I could n't sit through it .
9 it got on my wick the bitchiness of it all , did n't you , I could n't , I could n't do with it Joy I do n't think
10 I could n't do with it now
11 cos I could n't do without it
12 Er and obviously we 'll , we 'll we 'll get the response erm a a as it were but erm that 's something I could n't , I could n't answer at this particular time .
13 I thought we 'd been getting on pretty well but as Father 's Day approached , Joe made it clear that I could n't hope to be any more than just second best
14 But it was one I could n't wake from .
15 There were several " things that I could n't change on my own .
16 I could n't stay for one day . ’
17 But he admitted : ‘ I could n't stay with his pace and I had to get away and look after myself . ’
18 I could n't stay with the Sisters because of Andrew ; it would be betraying their trust .
19 She said I could n't stay with her , that her aunty was in the house , things like that , so I had nowhere to go .
20 I could n't stay with him any longer : there was no more time .
21 I could n't stay at the house … ’
22 ‘ When the children are out at school I could n't stay at home all day , ’ she says .
23 I could n't stay in Holloway because there was n't room for sentenced women .
24 ‘ You told me I could n't stay in the woods , ’ said the boy calmly .
25 I started to feel I could n't stay in the same room as you .
26 I try to think of something smart to say to hide the fact that I 'm beaten , and finally come out with a pathetic ‘ I could n't stay in this stink without puking on the carpet .
27 I could n't stay in hospital because I knew he was there , ’ said the father-of-one .
28 I could n't stay in the centre , there was n't space in the centre
29 Of course , I could n't reach for my gun .
30 I was so disappointed that I could n't speak at the final whistle . ’
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