Example sentences of "i have [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have sent for Stirling to report here on his return when I shall make the new procedures clear to him .
2 I have sent for Tuathal and Osbern . ’
3 Heading , nineteen ninety one and nineteen ninety two harvest , certified is aaron , white , clover , ex-challenge seeds , New Zealand , underline I am sending you copies of correspondence which I have sent to Phillip , comma , Roger , comma , Oliver and Joe , which I hope is self explanatory , paragraph .
4 The behaviourists ' answer would be that I have in the past been reinforced by coffee when I have gone to C , but not when I have gone to B. This could well be correct .
5 And whilst I have gone to Middleton 's grave in the village of Mildenhall , I have found that I could in no way criticise his rejection of my plea that he stayed with the Pathfinders .
6 The behaviourists ' answer would be that I have in the past been reinforced by coffee when I have gone to C , but not when I have gone to B. This could well be correct .
7 I have gone to world peace meetings in London and to international North Sea ones in Germany and Ireland — these have been longer than two weeks and so I am used to meeting people .
8 Yes , because of , we were in school together in Dutch and on the way home we were with Dutch friends , so we then , and we mostly spoke Dutch and now , since I , so it 's nearly , since now seven years have been , since I have gone to States , first year in eighty three , came back in eighty four , and since then we 've never , ever spoke Dutch .
9 ‘ Then , ’ said Richard , ‘ I have gone on crusade too soon . ’
10 I have gone round England like a magpie picking up any bright thing that pleased me .
11 " I have gone from failure to failure , with France , alas , the loser .
12 The former Rangers winger said : ’ The first is without doubt the best goal I have scored for Liverpool .
13 I have referred to Mead 's observing her tribes while participating in their everyday lives .
14 I have referred to enforcement more than once already since I became president , and I should like to leave the Institute 's ethical support services for another occasion .
15 But with the new ethos to which I have referred of youngsters carrying knives , allegedly for their own protection , there is a real danger that there will be another explosion of such crimes .
16 I have referred in chapter 2 to the need for a language policy across the curriculum ; a recommendation to this effect appeared in both the Bullock and the Swann Reports .
17 We would also hope that , should there be a need in the future to make a decision in Council regarding application for such a byelaw , you , the members , will give proper consideration to the views I have expressed on behalf of the ro responsible dog ownership group .
18 Editor , — I have followed with interest the continuing debate on the future of primary care .
19 Everything I have said about gilts applies to qualifying corporate bonds , except that they are not backed by the UK Government and so there is a greater risk that the bond will not be repaid .
20 What I have said about Nottingham I would also have said about East Sussex had I had the same information .
21 Practically everything that I have said about borrowing is applicable to cash , in reverse .
22 I now want to add another dimension which relates to what I have said about aggression .
23 ‘ Myth is alive at once and in all its parts , and dies before it can be dissected ’ , declared Tolkien , and his statement is more than usually true of The Lord of the Rings , as I have said on p. 100 above .
24 Now , as I have said to Lady Maude … ’
25 Aside from the rest , after what I have said to Caswell — that you are my wife — we should make it good .
26 What I have said to Neil and Neil is honest but once or twice he 's said things and I 've said , no Neil !
27 However , I reached my decision on the basis to which I have deposed in paragraphs 8 , 9 and 10 above .
28 I have begun to Fence which is a man 's game and I am to have my uncle Sette 's foil when next we go to England which may be in the summer .
29 As I have argued at length elsewhere , retirement is both the leading form of age discrimination and the driving force behind the wider development of ageism in modern societies .
30 This is even more so when , as I have argued with homosexuality , so many dimensions of a culture have been displaced and/or condensed into the identity of the transgressor .
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