Example sentences of "i still [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My children said it is the best learning game they have played , and I agree with them even though I still land in the water in level two .
2 I look good in this , your standard little black number , and I still get into a tight pair of jeans …
3 In spite of six weeks of unceasing rain Wade was , by October 1732 , able to write , ‘ I still hope in a fortnight to pass the Coriarick Mountain in my coach ’ , and sure enough by the end of October the road was finished , ‘ made through a part of the country , ’ as he justly claimed in his report to the Treasury , ‘ that was scarcely passable for man or horse … now made as easy and practicable for wheel carriages as any road in the country ’ .
4 I STILL ache with a longing to know just what Morrissey 's minions see in the man , what special stardust quality does he possess to endear him so closely to their palpitating hearts .
5 I still remember on the morning the Community Church opened , meeting John after the service .
6 ‘ But I still cling to the hope that I 'm mistaken , ’ Steve went on seriously , ‘ that I was n't in love and it was in fact infatuation . ’
7 I still remain of the view that that would be undesirable .
8 I still keep as a bookmark my ticket for the 1989 Revolution Day parade in Red Square .
9 To this day , I still marvel at the fact that , in a country where even the most seasoned and recalcitrant dyke can be made to feel truly perverted in a very short space of time , women found , and still do find , the courage to step into the breach of difference and come out .
10 I still feel like a newcomer .
11 I still believe in a place called Hope .
12 I STILL believe in a place called Hope .
13 I still believe in a God .
14 I still believe in the system .
15 I still believe in the fundamental injustice of the profit system and do not accept the proposition that there will be rich and poor for all eternity . ’
16 I wanted to be a winner when I played football and I still do as a manager . ’
17 I still live in the same place , but I try to vary my route , to fight laziness .
18 Now , although I have great respect for er , the representative of the Osteoporosis Society I se , I still think as a epidemiologist that there have n't been enough women on H R T for long enough
19 Also , in our house I still think of the woman who used to live there .
20 I still think of the people of the region with affection for all the help and courtesy they showed me .
21 but I mean I , I still think at the end of the day that , you know , we , we , we , we still have to realize that we are only looking at , at a minute erm area of China and therefore you know how , how relevant is it .
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