Example sentences of "i give him [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Can I give him a message ? ’
2 Can I give him a message , or will you ring back ? ’
3 Should I give him a knee where it hurt ?
4 Shall I give him a point ?
5 Will I give him a job there ?
6 ‘ Can I give him a mug of tea ? ’
7 So I give him a wave from the far end of the park .
8 I was walking along with my girl and I see my old man and I was scared , you know , smoking , but at the same time I did n't want to throw it away because my girl was there , you know , and she 'd see it , and I just kept on walking and my old man stopped and said to me , ‘ Give me a light ’ , and I give him a light , and he said , ‘ I 'm away to the shops ’ , and I was , you know , thinking , I can get away with this .
9 He he had he came in I give him a saucer of milk .
10 Okay , if I give him the turtle do you think he 'd
11 if I give him the turtle
12 That form bears the closest inspection and as the six-year-old has settled into his new surroundings at the Marriott Stables I give him the edge over Newton Point , whose cause will not have been helped by the rain .
13 I give him the blackcurrant jam , I give Myrene the blackcurrant jam , jam to take home for him .
14 ‘ My main thought was if I offer him my car how will I get to work tomorrow , and also if I give him the car will I be able to collect the insurance ?
15 But he complains that I give him the impression that I am holding back and am not fully committed .
16 I give him the cherries and ate the cake myself .
17 I give him the thumbs-up sign and pointedly ignore him turning once more to the vigorous bucking of the waves .
18 I gave him a pizza and then he .
19 so I gave him a couple of quid , three quid , for lending me it plus the spinner cos spinner do n't work on washer
20 So I gave him a yard of slack line and decided to wait it out .
21 He said ‘ Okay , I want you to show me everything , ’ and I said ‘ Well , there are six strings , they 're tuned like this and written down an octave , ’ ( For those that do n't know , when guitar music is transposed onto a stave , it 's dropped a whole octave to keep it on the treble clef — Ed ) and he was taking notes and I gave him a beginning guitar book so that he could see how it was all written out !
22 He kept stealing Nigel 's food , so I gave him a bowl of his own every day . ’
23 Just as he reached the top step I gave him a push — not a hard push , just defensive .
24 I gave him a smile with perhaps a little cruelty at its edges .
25 I gave him a frown and told him to mind his manners because I was n't sure what the old lady 's reaction would be to my brother .
26 I gave him a jam sandwich just before you arrived .
27 I gave him a parcel of food and clothes wrapped in news paper and left the hut without turning back .
28 ‘ So I gave him a clip across the back and told him ‘ No ! ’
29 And once I gave him a fish-cake for free .
30 And on the Dixon fight , the British , European and Commonwealth champion said : ‘ I gave him a taste but he got a bit feisty by trying to hit me back and I took him out .
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