Example sentences of "i would [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd switch from the newsdesk to the more featury side of TV .
2 I did n't think they could know anything about my boat — she was at least a mile away , on the northern edge of Winter Marsh , and as I 'd come from the road on the south they had no reason to search the northern shore .
3 Vaguely I recalled something I 'd read from the Bible in the antiquarian microfiche section of Herald Data Bank .
4 There was also the chance that I would recover from the madness . ’
5 I would drive a few yards through the gate marked ‘ private ’ and instantly be set upon by men wielding knobbly aluminium clubs , or I would return from the walk to find my car had been smelted into a set of folding tubular garden furniture .
6 My mother has just arrived and I would say from the look of her she is all set to greet you as a long-lost child . ’
7 I would say from the point where I was told on the radio that the officers were entering the premises to the point where I was told everybody was secured , could not be more than four five minutes .
8 Usually on a Friday afternoon I would retreat from the busy main office to my own private one which had been constructed in one corner of the large open room .
9 In the end I agreed to do this but I remember leaving the meeting literally , I am afraid , in tears and saying that although I would obey the majority I would resign from the Government afterwards as quietly as I could because I should have failed to uphold an almost lifelong conviction …
10 I agree with him and I would resign from the Conservative Party if it were anything else .
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