Example sentences of "i do [not/n't] [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I can I do n't carry two cups I ca , dare n't carry a cup and saucer
2 Well I would n't er I do n't expect most things will completely but anyway we 'll see .
3 Cos you ca n't I do n't want that on the tape .
4 But I mean often women would say , what can I do , I do n't want any more babies , what can I do ?
5 Well do the best you can er I do n't want exact words obviously but what was the burden of what he was the gist , the effects of what he was saying ?
6 I think that 's diff you see I , I do n't think that 's possible for everybody to keep in touch with everybody else , I think you 've got to have one person , that everybody looks to , to say , right
7 So er I I thought to myself well I du n no , I du n no all these Newton girls have been off to Sri Lanka or or , or Zaire or wherever and you 'd you know , is n't that great ?
8 I du n no seventeen something like that so , he had to go and get a job
9 Apparently it 's like sucking I du n no salty warm yogurt .
10 I du n no dear cos I do n't think I 've got any money .
11 If I could get my applicant , you see if , let's say we pay somebody , I du n no fifty , sixty quid a week , fifty quid a week to come and for , two mornings , three mornings , or whatever that 'll then give me enough time to contact the applicants and then ma , maybe maybe two stroke three sales extra per month .
12 I mean now , the erm the social workers erm are care managers in a lot of cases , in other words it may be contracted out to somebody else to do the actual caring and you look at the package which the client is getting , you know it might be I du n no some old dear who needs meals on wheels and visits every week or something
13 oh yeah , he also used to have this , this bell , I du n no some weirdo just
14 Whereas the tolerance here 'd be I du n no eighth of an inch here eighth of an inch there he says the advert says as soon as you have tolerances like that then thing work loose and start rattling and creaking and
15 I du n no last week were n't it ?
16 and it was er open on her bed , she popped out for , for about , I du n no forty odd minutes to get her hair done or something I was well tempted to have a look , but I thought no if I get a diary and somebody looked , looked through mine I would n't be happy about it , so I did n't its quite a hard temptation but
17 Er rounders which is er similar to er I du n no American baseball in , in a fashion is n't it ?
18 I was putting the spuds on , I du n no twenty past two I think .
19 Listen , I du n no twenty to the pound or something
20 Erm I du n no this is somebody else 's paper so This is before I had a I worked it out as I I th I thought it 'd work out a three- four-five triangle .
21 But I do not regard these factors as justifying sweeping away the law which for so long has regulated the conduct of charitable corporations .
22 However , I do not regard this problem as insuperable .
23 One can not prove a personal judgment of this kind , and I do not expect immediate assent to it .
24 I am a woman , and also a writer who has used up her allotment of renown during her own lifetime ; and on those two grounds I do not expect much pity , or much understanding , from posterity .
25 I do not expect much joy from the Minister tonight , but I give warning that , for the time I remain on these Benches , with the label on which I came here eight and a half years ago — as a Labour Member of Parliament , albeit a Member who has a label beneath his name on the TV as an expelled Labour Member — I shall bring before the House the necessary measures not just to talk about the death of the poll tax but to bury it once and for all .
26 ‘ The reason I have called you both here is to remind you that you are now second-year witches , and I do not expect this ridiculous feud between you two girls to continue .
27 I do not expect any difficulty in getting approval for the larger sum , and can do that at the same time as tenders are to hand for acceptance , but it will remain important to contain the total project cost as far as possible .
28 It is unacceptable to have headage limits for sheep — I do not mean new headage limits , but the present ones — because they do not deal with the problem .
29 I do not mean decent Conservative values like the Citizen 's Charter or dreaming of the classless city ; I mean authentic Conservative values , like a social hierarchy in which power follows the rich who do not have to answer for their acts to hoi polloi , in which we do not have to feel responsible for anyone 's poverty or ill health , in which we do not have to ask questions about where the rich get their money from , and we can carve up the land to create a sort of apartheid state : each tribe to its own homeland .
30 If you embark on using someone as your detective who is immensely superior to yourself either intellectually or in the social scale ( and by that I do not mean any conventional listing of dukes , earls , barons and honourables ) you will be heading for trouble when you try to have the sort of insights for them that they would naturally have .
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