Example sentences of "i have [to-vb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Do I have to register with the authorities ?
2 So then er and I had to do with the antique .
3 I had to sleep with the light on .
4 " I 'm sorry to have kept you waiting , but I had to finish with the man I had with me .
5 While you were missing , I had to deal with a dog that had been run over . ’
6 Then I was promoted to assistant cashier at the Wandsworth branch where I had to deal with the toll accounts to go to head office as well as the share accounts and the dividends .
7 Once the semantics of police experience were revealed , I had to live with the problems experienced by both Castenada and Favret-Saada , although I demur from casting myself into their intellectual companionship .
8 Except that I had to live with the aftermath .
9 That morning , when the doctor saw I had to go with the pirates to find the treasure , he had left the squire to look after the captain , then took Gray and Ben Gunn with him to be ready to help us .
10 And I had to help with the harvest too .
11 As the band 's agent in this case , I had to work with the record company to circumvent the rigid Radio I Top 40 format .
12 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
13 Chairman I 'll get the ball rolling I suppose erm I have to deal with the ludicrous sh statement from County Council now the savings , proposed savings on the fire cover review .
14 No disrespect to Philip Young , the conductor , or to any of the performers , but I have to agree with the member of the audience sitting behind me who commented that it seemed more of a damp squib than a big band !
15 WHILE my heart goes out to the parents in the baby-swop drama , I have to agree with the midwife interviewed on TV who said that it was ‘ a disaster waiting to happen ’ .
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