Example sentences of "i be [prep] two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yury Vladimirovich is my closest friend , he and I are like two brothers , we used to play football together when we were little .
2 Garments can be as big or small as you wish and , just to get you going , I am including two patterns for small easy to knit Duomatic items .
3 I am in two minds whether to change the engine or repair it .
4 I am in two minds about the humour of all this .
5 I 'm in two minds whether we should have him at all .
6 I need a lot of practice , too , but if I 'm in two minds on the range , I tone down the practice , get through the week and go home for a lesson .
7 ‘ With this expensive equipment I 'm in two minds , ’ John ponders .
8 Erm I 'm I 'm in two minds as to whether it 's best to always write first or to phone first whenever possible .
9 Erm , I 'm in two minds about what to do .
10 I was on two bags a day when I went to see me GP and I was on between a quarter and half a gram when I got to the hospital .
11 But I was in two minds about him for another reason : he was already too old for training purposes , and of course that was why I wanted a bird .
12 I was in two minds about closing the door , but decided that it would be safer to do so ; if anyone came through it unexpectedly I would have a split second to look lost and nonchalant .
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