Example sentences of "i be go [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , Bill and I are going to test the bike tonight . ’
2 ‘ Right , ’ he said , threateningly , ‘ I am going to call the register . ’
3 I am going to take the tape from your mouth .
4 He says ; I am going to take the matter up with the company to try to save the jobs for Worcester .
5 He said : ‘ I am going to force the Government to tell us the truth about the real threats behind the public spending review to thousands of sick and disabled people . ’
6 I am going to destroy the seducer Malik and his friend Wilson , ’ hissed Hasan .
7 Of course I accept that ruling entirely Mr Deputy Speaker but the point I was trying to make , I am going to give the speech very briefly indeed I do assure you , is that if you 're trying to assess the numbers er and the correctness of the numbers that are being er er going to vote for and indeed the boundaries associated with those numbers , it 's a perfectly I would have thought , fair question to ask oneself as they go off er from us as to what they are going off in to er and I I do assure you Mr Deputy Speake , I do n't plan to speak more than two minutes , two to three minutes on this matter , I do hope that you will allow me just to make a very brief point on this .
8 I am going to save the business , Joey , I do n't know how I 'm going to do it but somehow I will . ’
9 I am going to see The King And I tonight , ’ said one of the committee to him unctuously , ‘ and I will appreciate it much more . ’
10 Tal speaking of wallpaper , I am going to paper the en suite .
11 Mr Ismet Sezgin , Turkish Interior Minister , who is visiting Damascus next week , said : ‘ I am going to warn the Syrians once and for all against their support for terrorism . ’
12 Just this once I am going to break the habits of a lifetime and take your IOU . ’
13 On this subject , I am going to jump the gun and name my 12th man , who is not really a genuine reserve , but simply England 's best-ever allround fielder : A. P. F. Chapman .
14 Before driving in a drunken rage to her house , he is said to have told a friend : ‘ If she is there I am going to burn the house down and burn her down too .
15 At the end of three days he went to his grandfather , and said , " Grandfather , I am going to climb the mountain and find a place where I can get some peace and quiet .
16 ‘ How I am going to face the girls at the ball tomorrow ?
17 I am going to make the climb downwards , ’ the Finn called to them .
18 I am going to make the scones now .
19 ‘ Right now , I 'm going to fill the big bowl with nice hot water and you are going to have a scrub and I want every bit of you to be clean , mind , including your hair . ’
20 ‘ I may just do that — I 'm going to call the Consul General right now ! ’
21 I 'm going to call the New York Times . ’
22 And if you 're not out of here in five seconds flat , I 'm going to call the police .
23 I 'm going to call the engagement off . ’
24 Just now and again when they do get , you know , just past you , you just have to say now look go or else I 'm going to call the police , and they go .
25 I 'm going to open the door and listen . ’
26 I 'm going to open the door , ’ said Sam , striding forward , since her hope that it would be the boy from the bistro was greater than her fear of retribution .
27 No I 'm not : first I 'm going to wander round Bristol and try and get myself a job , then I 'm going to persuade the manager to give me an advance of a few pounds so I can get myself something to eat and find somewhere to stay .
28 And er I said I 'm going to pick the papers up , he said get back into bed
29 So we 've all finished our trees now I 'm going to write out what I 've got on mine and I 'm going to pick the smallest numbers first .
30 Now if I am a good reporter , in a sense I 'm going to let the original question flow past me as a starter , I may use it , I may not use it .
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