Example sentences of "i [vb base] we [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 Oh and we 'd love to do swimming , erm , because we 'd done as a surprise for Carla for Christmas cos I mean we said the kids are getting older now , Dave heard it on the radio , erm , for one fifty a head , erm they were opening Guildford 's swimming pool erm , from ten till twe twelve ?
2 By discussing reasons with the deputy I mean we had the meeting on public relations before Christmas and the scrutiny was promised and nothing 's happened erm , we still soldier on we 're not .
3 yes , I mean we got the end result ,
4 Yeah I mean we did the fourth but
5 And as I say we did the mass picket down in Inspector was coming straight up t an the Sergeant to y you know what 's like to leading er people and he said , Now what 's the what you going to do what 's what you want this morning ?
6 We were allowed to help with the work of the farm , although more often than not I suspect we hindered the wheels of labour .
7 ‘ Lots of people sent memos saying ‘ I know we planned the whole thing for September or October but we are going out in July ’ , and it simply was n't ready , ’ he said .
8 I know we did the returnable bottles .
9 I know we used the video but that was for a very specific reason but if you know have you ever been to one of those lectures where there 's there 's overheads going on here and then they go and they write on there and they you have some slides and then you have a video and then you know it 's like being at Wimbledon .
10 I remember we passed the pub … ’
11 I believe we suffered the downturn because of the way in which we kept our clients up to date , insofar as when the recession hit , our clients did n't need to come to us because the Revenue was on their backs .
12 But I think we soaked a lot of pressure up and in the end , I think we deserved the points .
13 Last time I was on this programme I think we had the same conversation , did n't we ?
14 I think we made the right decision , but it is a grey area .
15 I think we made the move at the right time .
16 ‘ She 'll have noticed the car — and I think we left the front door open . ’
17 The impact of the section has been very broadly based in the city , and for the first time we 've added for you in very brief terms , a Domiciliary Health information of just the total number of visits made by the city health care , erm and the level of work in terms of notices served , and prosecutions , note , going up in most of the sections , particularly their units they 're small numbers , but they are significant , just the same , and the table on the top of page forty-four , erm as I said earlier , I think we reached the highest level of insect complaints in the summer that we 've ever had to deal with , it 's very usual for us to deal with a thousand , over in the summer period , this time we dealt with sixteen hundred .
18 I think we sent the copy to Jess and Jess I think has the copy .
19 I think we underestimated the problems for the child .
20 I think we travelled the length and the breadth of the country looking .
21 That was actually quite a productive meeting , although it took quite a time to get through it , I think we did the right thing on the continuous procedures .
22 ‘ Mandy , I think we overdid the streaking a touch , ’ she said uncertainly .
23 I wish we needed the same number of hours ’ sleep , ’ she said .
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