Example sentences of "i [vb base] [conj] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cuts into the , it cuts into the we the weeks , I mean that sounds terrible , I 'll be , you 're only working a few days but it 's surprising the teaching days I do really , that really does cut into my time at home .
2 Although a skilled retroscender may learn how to pilot himself through all the historical imagery available I fear that lies some way off for you .
3 I say I usually use celery but I say that grows wild in the school , so we use that
4 No that 's what I say if calculated wrong
5 ‘ But you 'll do as I say and undo this little mistake , ’ he said swiftly , as if it were a foregone conclusion .
6 ‘ Why are you so interested in — ’ I stop and go red a bit .
7 I welcome and accept all my emotions .
8 Chairman , erm , as I understand it this afternoon is , is a free vote and I , for that reason end there , I hope that persuade any waverers er one way , erm , at the moment we 've got agreements with tenants and it 's up to them to decide what to do with their land .
9 I hope that achieving that capacity will be one of the priorities of the new police committee .
11 I hope and pray this is a misunderstanding . ’
12 Like everyone else , I deplore and condemn this killing , as all right-thinking people must .
13 In this book , I describe and explain these activities and although I can not claim that this is a comprehensive guide to parties — such a task would be virtually impossible ! — I do know that , if you follow my advice , your children and their friends will have a really enjoyable time !
14 I know but looks good and I do n't like it because it looks good .
15 Now I know that creating wonderful , fantastic food is quite simply the most exhilarating experience .
16 I know that buying additional tackle gives you the opportunity to try something different , but it is not a good idea .
17 However , I know that experiencing such a unique , ancient ritual is the essence of travelling .
18 but I like and make sure it 's alright .
19 After that I knit or do some dressmaking and watch television .
20 If I ring and invent some excuse she knows me too well not to see through it .
21 I believe that support this and I 've already seen in my own district to traffic calming which never previously existed .
22 But there are clusters of miniature wood puffballs on the tree-stumps , and I find that chewing some of the white flesh takes the elder aftertang away .
23 Suffice it to say that I find that had those alterations not been carried out when they were , it would not have been possible for the plaintiff to be discharged from Hunstead Park in May of nineteen ninety since her home would not have been suitable for her .
24 Should 've stayed on I suppose and got some qualifications .
25 I decide whether to feel inadequate or not .
26 Nothing can make me feel inhibited — I decide whether to feel inhibited or not .
27 ‘ How plumptious I feel and tickled pink , ’ said Ken as he entertained an audience in the staff restaurant .
28 Whether I pay or go free , whatever the cost , I will not let it be said I killed a decent man to keep him from accusing me .
29 In the event of my dying before remarriage , I DEVISE and BEQUEATH all of my real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever not already disposed of as to my freeholds in fee simple and as to my personal estate absolutely to the issue of my union with JACQUELINE MYRTLE MITCHELL , the property to be held in trust for the said issue , the trust allowing monthly sum of not less than FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS to the said JACQUELINE MYRTLE MITCHELL to pay for the upbringing of the said issue , this arrangement to cease on his or her attaining the age of twenty-one years , whereupon a quarter of the remaining estate — whether in freehold property , stocks , shares or chattels shall be granted in perpetuity to the said JACQUELINE MYRTLE MITCHELL , and the remainder to be granted to the said issue .
30 Moreover , I doubt whether calling moral principles of this sort ‘ natural law ’ is in accordance with any natural law theory , which standardly requires a form of authoritative promulgation in addition to rational justification , something which is not a feature of existing international law .
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