Example sentences of "i [vb past] [prep] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hurt by ‘ the ungenerous treatment which I met with from that very sex whose sufferings I was at so much pains to relieve ’ , he was glad to leave Aberdeen when recalled to active duty in the Royal Navy .
2 So I started there and they put me on a month 's trial and I dithered about about this month , whether I was good enough , and they 'd forgotten all about it , by the end of month , trial .
3 So the challenge to keep abreast of technological developments in aviation was one I entered into with considerable enthusiasm when I was appointed Deputy Chief Inspector in 1967 .
4 That night I woke at half-past three and lay brooding over my lack of progress .
5 A high degree of constructive conflict is almost essential in this process and I should perhaps quote the comments of a wise manager I worked for at one time , who pointed out that in industry the optimum level of conflict is not zero ; just as no friction or one hundred per cent friction immobilizes movement in a mechanical sense , so total absence of conflict or one hundred per cent conflict will immobilize movement in a company .
6 In 1975 I left Jerry and not long after joined up with Lanny Wadkins , who I worked for from 1976 to 1980 , when I was ready to move on again .
7 What I thought of as mainstream cancers were called Carcinomas and they developed in the lining layers of the organs , such as the lungs , the bowels , and the skin .
8 I got on the bus with some of my friends with whom I went with to primary school .
9 Not one of the many East Berliners I spoke to at several crossing points said they meant to stay in the West .
10 Still , no-one I spoke to in any organisation could name any cases where environmental opposition alone has stopped a course being built .
11 Scores of students I spoke with at that time suffered hurt pride that socialist China , supposedly superior to capitalist states , could be defeated by its small neighbour ( and soon to be returned ) Hong Kong .
12 I also take some comfort from the fact that I have enormous pleasure in remembering all those who I dealt with in this capacity returned to the Pathfinder Force before the end and wished sincerely to finish their Pathfinder tour .
13 I peeped from behind prayer-folded hands
14 I had to in that !
15 I 'm gon na have to draw it there cos I wanted to Like that .
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