Example sentences of "i [vb past] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I came back and found the cottage demolished , naturally in distress and amazement , I asked around in the village .
2 When you 're having another one of those parties I read about in the Sport .
3 At home , I mooched about in a pair of basketball boots mended with a bicycle repair kit , eating ketchup on bread , and staring at a wart on my finger the size and texture of a tiny cauliflower .
4 You and I met once in the past , but now our lives are separate .
5 And he was n't in today I mean came into work and I passed out in the . .
6 That I got up in the night and walked into an open press . ’
7 I got up in the night and took fish out of your barrels , Harry Pascoe , 'cos I could n't abide the thought of being wed to you , do you hear me ?
8 Chip slept in a chair in the kitchen and was always at the door to greet me when I got up in the morning .
9 No , I was , I was , came over all , I did n't feel right when I got up in the morning , I 'll try and park outside Westgate , I did n't feel right when I got up in the morning , Kelly get round , yes I can go and oh find Robert erm , yeah I did n't feel right in the morning , but as soon as the day went on as soon as I had this salmon salad , sandwich , and Rob said to me well you sure it was n't that , cos he said sometimes that salmon could make people feel a bit , nothing wrong with that , it 's just a tin of salmon , you know .
10 No , I was , I was , came over all , I did n't feel right when I got up in the morning , I 'll try and park outside Westgate , I did n't feel right when I got up in the morning , Kelly get round , yes I can go and oh find Robert erm , yeah I did n't feel right in the morning , but as soon as the day went on as soon as I had this salmon salad , sandwich , and Rob said to me well you sure it was n't that , cos he said sometimes that salmon could make people feel a bit , nothing wrong with that , it 's just a tin of salmon , you know .
11 So when I got up in the morning this bloody landlord was here , full side of beef , oh , I said , I do n't want that bugger going home in that and getting stopped Full side of beef !
12 I can remember waiting some minutes before walking through the house , knowing that there must be proof of burglary at the back door , and when I got there in an uncomprehending state , lo and behold the kitchen door was broken right down !
13 Oh , yes , it took me a bit of time to recognise you , but I got there in the end .
14 My Rudd Cup football medal would nestle in its cotton wool till I got back in the holidays .
15 Two weeks later I lined up in the 200 metres , one tight-bended lap of the track , in the AAA Indoor Championships , again meeting Phil Brown .
16 Unlikely though it may seem , as I wandered miserably in the snow in a duffle coat , puffing my pipe , around the cobblestones and concrete of Wilhelmshaven , I was still , in naval terms , serving aboard a ship , HMS Royal Rupert to be precise .
17 This is the essential logic of asymmetrical circulating exchange systems of the Kula type , which I mentioned earlier in the context of my discussion of generalized exchange and which so puzzled Malinowski .
18 I was thoughtful as I headed off in the opposite direction .
19 ‘ I had similar problems when I stopped over in the Brown Islands , ’ he said .
20 Somebody did , I learnt later in the day and so did Viscount Lewisham , president of MCC .
21 I flopped down in the seat but missed and landed on the floor .
22 I WOKE UP in a terrarium , half in and half out of a stagnant pool .
23 ‘ But I woke up in the middle of the night and could n't get back to sleep , so I decided to bake a cake , after all .
24 ‘ A couple of months before the wedding , I woke up in the middle of the night worrying about the arrangements , and the only thought in my head was ‘ Russia ’ .
25 I woke up in the afternoon of the ninth of February to tennis-ball-sized sore eyes and a dirty pink mist , and searingly painful lights .
26 Claudia , who can be seen on the show tonight , says : ‘ I woke up in the middle of the night in absolute agony .
27 I woke up in the middle of the night .
28 I felt good when I woke up in the morning and I thought , ‘ Yeah this is it , I 'm going . ’
29 I woke up in the early hours of the morning and it was still there — the first thing that come into my head .
30 I woke up in the middle of the night and took all of Jay 's clothes out of the wardrobe .
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