Example sentences of "i [vb past] [verb] up the " in BNC.

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1 In the pauses , I tried totting up the words Vern had spoken since we 'd arrived .
2 The hospital had a flower shop inside its main entrance and I subbed Fenella a tenner to get a decent bunch of flowers ( I knew I should have told them about their pot plant ) while I tried to chat up the nurse on reception .
3 Though we no longer went out together in the evenings , I promised to keep up the pretence that we did .
4 I 'd grappled up the slope on foot just before and knew how steep and icy its surface was and which of the bigger rocks had to be dodged because they would foul the car 's underside .
5 I did n't have to think — I was leaping downhill like a goddamned goat before I 'd summed up the situation : which was they intended to rob me .
6 I 'd woken up the next morning at Aisha 's place , not convinced that I was really in London : her flat was like any flat at home with the same smell , the same coloured ottomans and rugs , the same pictures on the walls , the brass tray in the middle of the room , and the loud shrieks and wails of her two children puncturing the air .
7 These notes were invaluable when I came to write up the results of the study .
8 I began to reckon up the people whom I knew to be prisoners .
9 In the end I thought it was a good job that I 'd cut her dead because I began to pick up the gossip about her and found out that she 'd left home when she did because she was pregnant and had had a baby .
10 Leaving the heat and the nearly finished bridehouse , I returned to soak up the last of a cool , green English summer .
11 Hardly any of them replied and Chris , Nick and I decided to follow up the letters with phone calls .
12 I needed to call up the heroic days when Dennis was still around , and we were young and carefree , bonking our brains out while he shouted banalities from the foot of the stairs .
13 So when I went creaking up the winding back staircase to the two attics and looked in through their respective doors ( ‘ Do n't touch , dear …
14 ( 28/12/92 ) : Stephen , Richard Newcombe and I went to sum up the move to Ron Davies 's barn .
15 For the first few years I romped to cover up the new loneliness .
16 Just as I had fired up the cooker the cat rod that had caused me all the grief earlier was off again .
17 However , I said I would try so I put on my best uniform , nicely pressed , and as I paraded in front of him I said I had turned up the hem of my skirt and did he think it was too short ?
18 I wish I had summoned up the nerve to smile back .
19 I was surrounded by a crowd of shouting , gesticulating Malts , who pulled at my parachute , lifted my head and drove me so furious that I had to give up the dying idea in order to concentrate completely on kicking every Malt who came within range .
20 ‘ He was livid , as though I had stirred up the printers against him and come to say ‘ I told you so ’ once they 'd walked out . ’
21 I had looked up the directions for the Pan-Am Highway at the hotel .
22 She was getting tired of the equipment — the leash and ring and creance — slowing her down , and I had to pluck up the courage to let her fly free for the first time .
23 However , as I replaced the cap , to my utter amazement , I noticed it was labelled ‘ Geranium ’ — I had picked up the wrong bottle .
24 Somehow I had picked up the idea that putting the patient in a tub of hot water sometimes had the desired effect .
25 Certainly , if I were a script writer , and I had to think up the most inappropriate name for a girl dressed as a man , the above tendencies would lead me to choose a monosyllabic form , using a closed syllable , ending in a consonant as far away from a continuant as I can find — a plosive — and with a vowel as far away from /i/ as I can find , such as /a/ or /o/ .
26 I had to catch up the axe and hit him with the blunt end , knock him out .
27 My experience of working with other nationalities both at Wilhelmshaven and later , when with David Wheeler I had set up the German Fishery Protection Service in the Baltic , also taught me some fundamental lessons .
28 I had to knock up the girl in the Post Office to find out where you lived and — here I am .
29 I had hoped that his would also be the case with the Emperor Peckoltia because as funds permitted I hoped to build up the numbers from two to four .
30 Erm , I , I wanted to pick up the point Mrs said , I , I do n't think this will necessarily this will be one of those allowances which people will er , claim on a regular basis .
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