Example sentences of "i [be] [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Perchance he desires not to receive me — and 't is by his wish I am denied a sight of him . ’
2 I have a battle to win and would ask only that I am given the chance to do so without intrusion in my private life .
3 The gentleman with the white waistcoat was standing at the gate with his hands behind him after having delivered himself having witnessed with the donkey he smiled rejoicedly when that the door , he saw at once it was Mr Mr smiled as he pursued the I am said the gentleman in the white waistcoat
4 I am become an object of universal abhorrence , ’ he is reported to have said , and in a letter to his sister Emma ( Lady St.John ) he wrote ‘ I am not ill but I am not well and I feel the sort of depression which you have often felt … . ’
5 This being Ma 's first day back , I am excused the dark , which I so richly deserve …
6 It would have served as a substitute-gratification for their own sadism ( i.e. , ‘ I can not retaliate against my father , but I can against my younger brother ’ ) ; but also as a defence on the part of the ego ( i.e. , ‘ I am spared the anxiety of being made the object of an attack if I can instead become the attacker ’ ) ; finally , it would also have contributed a first , rudimentary focus for the superego ( i.e. , ‘ My father is not now the attacker — I am — hence I am to that extent my father ! ’ ) .
7 Mortal , my name is Miach , and I am accounted a healer .
8 I AM disgusted the governor of Crumlin Road Prison stopped Loyalist inmates wearing poppies .
9 Still watching the Captain , Midnight said : ‘ I am allowed no right to choose .
10 I am allowed a Walkman actually .
11 I am allowed a say on this question of standing up at football matches because I first planted my feet on the terraces at Barnsley when I was five and spent the next 15 years or more rooted to the spot .
12 I am told the guardian ad litem needs approximately 14 days to prepare an up to date report , which I will order to be prepared .
13 I am told the sky was brilliant and alive with red and green and white flares .
14 Julie Burchill turns to thriller writing with No Exit ( Mandarin ) ; I am told the sex is there but nowhere near as over the top as in Ambition , but I have n't read it .
15 Now that I have also fitted 750 x 16 SAT tyres the vehicle is very sluggish , I am told the solution would be to change the diffs , but to which ones ?
16 LADY DAVERS : Must I be made a witness to your follies , by heavens ?
17 I 'm assured the thing is what they call user friendly . ’
18 ‘ If I 'm given a challenge I have to have a go at it , ’ he admits , reflecting on the guiding principles that have taken him to the top of two major industries .
19 I believe that if I 'm given the chance to fight the George Forman of old , the George Forman of today would be the better .
20 WHITE-HOT FURY OF SNOW QUEEN I 'm branded a liar , says ‘ no sex ’ [ name given ] .
21 Now some , somebody famous once said erm , I 'm called a feminist because I say things that is , to distinguish myself from a doormat .
22 It 's the same old thing I 'm , I 'm what , I 'm called a coordinator , it 's all good saying we 're gon na put a mezzanine floor in one of those , you 've got to line the building out .
23 tonight she said I 'm called a Bogey , so he said
24 That does n't mean I necessarily disagree either , but if I 'm asked a question I give an answer .
25 And I 'm told a lot of people contacted the agency .
26 I 'm told the Peer does n't expect the French to move till July . ’
27 I 'm told the press is at a loss , finding little of sufficient calibre elsewhere in publishing to satisfy its extremely demanding requirements .
28 I 'm told the school was once part of the mainland . ’
29 I 'm told the restaurant there is good . ’
30 I 'm told the heir 's not an ill-looking lad .
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