Example sentences of "i [adv] [verb] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 It only remained for us to forgive one another , and for my part I gladly forgave him for anything that might still need forgiveness .
2 I rather fancied him for myself . ’
3 I only tax mine for six month now then , ay ?
4 I only saw him for half an hour .
5 I only saw him for a moment , but my blood seemed to freeze .
6 I only saw her for a day or two . ’
7 It looked tall but I only saw it for a moment . ’
8 I only met her for the first time earlier this evening . ’
9 I only meant it for the best .
10 I 've got to be made to realize that I only love him for what I can get out of it .
11 I only wanted it for a
12 After I introduced the hemp earlier the fish seemed to go off the feed so I only introduced it for four or five casts .
13 ‘ She 'll do , I only want her for breeding , ’ the nasty woman said .
14 I only stole it for the wire , ’ she said , ‘ but now we 've got it I suppose we might as well drink it . ’
15 ‘ You know the bad consequence of my laying myself under unnecessary obligation , and you will therefore take care that I only do it for real Friends that I can depend upon , ’ the member of parliament warned .
16 That 's how I think of it : as my home , even though I only see it for a short time every year .
17 Ca n't I just bring one for him then ?
18 I got off with Andrew but that 's all a p only a who I get off with him and I do n't fancy him , I know I do n't want to go out with him I just fancy him for the occasional snog , fair enough but I 'm just saying like you know you fancy
19 ‘ I used to see and feel things in the house , but being a child I just took it for granted that everybody else was seeing and feeling the same things .
20 I just took it for granted he was on his way back to the group . ’
21 Somehow I just took it for granted you worked in London . ’
22 Can I just borrow you for a few moments ?
23 Jon sees the key to it all as simply getting out and having a good time : ‘ I just do it for a laugh , basically .
24 I just did it for a laugh .
25 No I just did it for a laugh cos I want , I want everyone to know the most interesting language in the world which is part of my language is n't it ?
26 I just caught something for a , then put them on .
27 whatever it is , deflate , and er guy come round , no problems , no problems with it , well I mean the head gasket 's gone and there 's a hole near the wing and bald tyre on it but mechanically it 's , this guy comes round to look at it , I mean he 's been driving it from Plymouth , he 's in the navy , up and down here , bloke comes round , yeah no problem , come on round mate , come and have a look at it , look round it , says yeah I like this can I just take it for a drive ?
28 I just bought one for that twenty erm that twenty four inch I 've bought , he was
29 I just needed them for a purpose , and that was enough . ’
30 I already hate myself for having taken the job , I know it was a mistake .
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