Example sentences of "i [verb] him on [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I speak with Michael Odell inside ten minutes , or I raise him on the open line , ’ said Quinn carefully .
2 He 's here all right — I met him on the shore two nights ago .
3 As Brian Clough told me when I met him on the top of the Little Elm bus earlier this season — we were both going to check out Little Elm Intaflora 's young Dutch forward , Kylie Van Der Graaf — ‘ Sadly , young man , football is like a football . ’
4 Then I nearly fell over when Hywel walked in because I met him on the mountain and he gave me the eye . ’
5 Although regretting the need for such prosecutions , may I congratulate him on the vigour with which he prosecutes those who peddle such odious doctrines ?
6 If you are looking for Monsieur Alain , I passed him on the main road .
7 I clapped him on the back .
8 ‘ Well , here we are , ’ Andy says , sitting forward and slapping his hands on his knees , then taking the J when I tap him on the elbow .
9 I kiss him on the cheek .
10 I showed him on the map where we would sink into the Atlantic if we did n't , ’ Capt Goebel said .
11 I showed him on the map where we would sink into the Atlantic if we did n't . ’
12 ‘ Master , ’ I touched him on the shoulder , ‘ it is strange that these messengers stop at the same convent where the Lady Francesca was educated .
13 If I contacted him on the same number that I contacted you
14 His a terrible , so we did n't go near him right through on the playing field , and then Katherine , I found to get , I sat , found a way to get them near Matthew and then Katherine said , I tickled him on the back , and I 'd kept on doing that . .
15 I feed him on a diet of mixed fish , with the odd goldfish ( the diet suggested by the fishkeeper ) .
16 Does Mike have some er Georgian Hotel , look at that Christmas jokes , Daddy , Eddie 's broken my new dog how did he do that I hit him on the head with it Why is Father Christmas unemployed ?
17 I watched him on the Lions tour and he 's a very good player .
18 I fundamentally disagree with his proposition , although I congratulate him on the stand that he has taken for his principles .
19 ‘ After I saw him on a TV programme I phoned him .
20 Just that I saw him on a train to London a couple of weeks ago .
21 I think I saw him on a bicycle . ’
22 ‘ I promised myself I 'd smash his handsome face when I saw him on the prison-ship .
23 but I saw him on the television last week , breakfast T V , not last week , week before , just before I got into work , and this woman on the television asking this stupid question , she said why do n't you put any opposition up in Parliament , and he hit the roof , but what the television did , they did n't switch off when he played bloody hell with 'em , excuse my French er President , but this is how it went , he could n't give a damn about you bloody lot , he kept the television on , it just showed his frustration .
24 ‘ Tuppe , I saw him on the television set .
25 I saw him on the television the other night it was his run and cross down the left that led to the Americans ’ first goal against England .
26 I saw him on the television the other night it was his run and cross down the left that led to the first goal against England .
27 I saw him on the street the other day
28 ‘ Shall I get him on the line , sir ? ’
29 Sometimes Benjamin would play on the lute he always carried , whilst I accompanied him on the rebec .
30 This was the fifth time I had him on the floor , so the referee was right to stop it ’ .
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