Example sentences of "i [verb] from [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A : what have you got to do this afternoon B : oh I 'm * going to repair the child bar A : what do you mean CHILD bar B : uh it 's er metal bar goes acr — has to be fixed from one side of the car I mean from one side of the back seat to the other for the BABY seat to go on A : AH …
2 Oh cha chapel Later on , I mean er you know when you got to ten , eleven , ch there were so many things at chapel , I mean from learned dissertations , I mean the gentlemen from the University , here .
3 The hall and the gallery and the enormous stained glass windows which faced the door as you came in , and the three reception rooms were ours , and as I suffer from terrible claustrophobia , I thought it was a wonderful place to live although David , who I am sure does n't suffer from claustrophobia as badly as I do , being British and like most British people , would be content to live in smaller environments .
4 It may even give passers-by the impression of drunkenness , which is why some people carry a card or note to say , ‘ I suffer from bad attacks of giddiness . ’
5 I suffer from high-tone deafness , ’ he says .
6 I suffer from debilitating shyness , which means I socialise very rarely .
7 I passed from one block to another .
8 I got from that shagger in Belfast .
9 some celery what I got fresh , I cooked some of that cos that 's what I got from that bloke
10 I moved from elementary school to grammar school when I was twelve .
11 Many times I moved from one state to the other until I mustered the strength to cling to the twilight zone without slipping back into darkness .
12 I wrote to my home social services and asked them what they would do if I moved from residential care into a home of my own .
13 W w what w what am I to infer from this expert reports ?
14 This requires answering a basic check question : What is the single most important result that I want from this presentation ?
15 If we look at a relationship or any type of commu mean taking a bit of a different look at things thinking well what is it that this person wants from me and what is it that I want from this person ?
16 From these fragments I reconstructed the brooding melancholy of a land subject to disaster after disaster , a family forced out through poverty , and I wove from insubstantial vapour the misty quilt in which I sensed his childhood to have been enveloped .
17 And I learnt from various teachers that when you go to these private schools and they 've been to schools , they hold them back because they like , they do n't like the
18 Say like erm th stresses we 're all under will cause depression , but after my had my children I suffered from reactive hyperglycaemia , low blood sugar , and we , that was glucose intolerance and I think an awful lot of women erm , suffer th from this and it 's not erm found out and knowing the glucose intolerance I can understand how a lot of children erm , suffer from er problems with eating habits because I think this is being discovered more and more
19 While I suffered from these dreams on my slab of rock , something woke me .
20 In the early weeks after I had him I suffered from postnatal depression .
21 I was having some of my aquatint plates of the Lake District steel-faced and when , in conversation with Mr. McQueen , he discovered that I came from this area , he recalled that in the past his forebears had printed for another artist from the Lakes .
22 In choosing between the goals towards which I spontaneously tend , I may find myself being excited more strongly by what I perceive here and now than by what I imagine from other viewpoints , so that for example a present amusement obliterates consciousness of a future danger .
23 Is she also aware of the fact that the National Sounds Archive now housed in Exhibition Road in South Kensington , ought really to be next door to the Music Library and it has always been the ambition of the Library to put it there and that furthermore , and here I speak from great knowledge because I negotiated the arrangement , if that site at Exhibition Road for the National Sounds Archive Library is sold , that money can only be used under the term of that agreement to provide similar accommodation elsewhere .
24 I speak from embarrassed experience , having embarked under the nom-de-plume of Evelyn Hervey on just such a foolish enterprise , though I hope frenzied ingenuity will eventually wriggle me out of too much trouble .
25 I speak from hard experience at the workface .
26 I speak from bitter experience as I have worked as a diver for just five days since qualifying as a part 111 diver in December 1990 , and the situation is not that much better , as far as I can tell , for part 1s .
27 We have also been receiving wonderful gifts ongoing I hope from individual contributors .
28 I hope from this discussion that you can see that social research is a complicated and difficult exercise because :
29 I think maybe I have more ill effects than I imagined from last night … ’
30 If I want to switch I tip from one bucket to the other , we 'll charge him eighteen pounds , and we 're absolutely right , as Gerald says , we do it on a bid to bid basis .
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