Example sentences of "i [verb] you on [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I met you on the road to Hay last night , I almost thought you had put a spell on my horse !
2 Might I congratulate you on the birth of Henry , or Harry as I notice he is to be called from the announcement in the papers .
3 I got you on the bed and just lost my head completely .
4 there for three pairs which was just as well I stopped you on the last one .
5 ‘ You heard it could be murder ? — yes , I told you on the phone .
6 Sally-Anne was by now in full flow , and when she paused for breath Dr Neil said , as drily as he could , ‘ I will only say to you what I told you on the day when you arrived here : it is useless to take the world 's burdens on your shoulders .
7 But I told you on the phone did n't I , it rained and
8 I picture you on a trip up to London , perhaps for a day 's work experience at the offices of some conglomerate .
9 ‘ Just a moment , ’ she said , ‘ till I find you on the computer . ’
10 I congratulate you on the unambiguity of your situation .
11 Sir , — I congratulate you on the information you have been good enough to send me of your intention to publish a journal for Bishop 's Castle , and I beg leave to offer for your insertion a few remarks on what I think ought to interest your readers — the present position of the question of the extension of the line to your town .
12 I ca n't imagine any person seriously interested in art in any part of the world not being a subscriber , and I congratulate you on an ever improving publication .
13 I 'll pay you the same as what I pay you on a Saturday is that okay ?
14 Remember — I saw you on the ice .
15 I shall tell you , instead , of the time Gerda and I saw you on the stage in Vienna . ’
16 I saw you on the television . ’
17 I can not trace any acknowledgment from you of the memorandum I sent you on the twelfth of this month , regarding your talents and the scope for them in this office .
18 If I call you on the phone I 'll ring twice , put down the receiver , do the same thing again .
19 But I left you on the couch .
20 Consider , for example , the following extracts from recorded conversations , where the responses to an utterance indicate that for participants the utterance carried the implications ( or something like them ) indicated in brackets : ( 25 ) A : I could eat the whole of that cake [ implication : " I compliment you on the cake " ] B : Oh thanks ( 26 ) A : Do you have coffee to go ? [ implication : " Sell me coffee to go if you can " ] B : Cream and sugar ? ( ( starts to pour ) ) ( 27 ) B : Hi John A : How 're you doing ?
21 For ‘ I wish you on the top of Brocken ’ is a common curse … ‘
22 Shall I accompany you on the violin ?
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