Example sentences of "i [verb] from [noun prp] to " in BNC.

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1 I walked from Newington to Waverley with minimally packed rucksack — I was getting the hang of this backpacking .
2 I glanced from Janice to Gav and back again , while Janice looked at me , lip trembling .
3 ON Friday 26 June 1992 — nine months after I had applied to be a Winant and Clayton Volunteer — I flew from Heathrow to New York .
4 When I switch from LPG to petrol , the engine will not tickover at anything less than 2000 rpm .
5 Not since I went from Dover to Calais with my parents in 1970 , when I was 14 .
6 I went from Alamein to Tobruk then to Syria .
7 I never ran marathons , but gradually increased my distance , starting with a 30-mile race , then the Isle of Man 40 on the TT course , where I did well , and the following week I ran from Edinburgh to Glasgow , which is about 50 miles and came in about second or third . ’
8 I commute from Dunfermline to Edinburgh to work for an enlightened firm of architects which designed into its office a shower facility , which allows me to cycle in all weathers .
9 It all came to light when I travelled from Bradford to London to take part in a television programme about multiculturalism .
10 The last time I travelled from Wick to Dingwall was when the railway only reached as far north as Golspie ; the other portion of the road was an overnight stage-coach journey ; and to accommodate some ladies I took a seat on the top : it was a clear cold night , and the air was keen indeed .
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