Example sentences of "i [verb] [vb pp] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I knew what I 'd witnessed last time I 'd seen one of those in the possession of a malai officer .
2 If only I 'd had more time .
3 and she put on the back of this one she was thankful that at least I 'd managed this time to get the mark in the area where it should have been in the first
4 I had noticed some time ago that the shoemaker had a beautiful daughter and the more I saw of her , the more I liked her . ’
5 I had discovered some time ago that he had loved Claudia Cohn-Casson .
6 It had been awkward for me to ask our family doctor to prescribe it : he knew my husband and I had parted some time ago .
7 This worried me because I could not make out what I had done this time to annoy her .
8 I think if I had had more time to myself when I first retired I would n't have made that mistake and would have looked for interests nearer home .
9 I had spent some time on a camping/cycling holiday with my family in the West country .
10 It was very different from when , during my student days , I had spent some time in the specialised wards of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases at St Pancras , where patients were treated for cholera , yellow fever , elephantiasis , malaria , leprosy , encephalitis lethargica , and a dozen other diseases that might have originated in the tropics .
11 I 've said that time and again .
12 I 've had one time sheet yet that has n't been cut up , the last two or three months .
13 Since I retired I 've had more time on my hands and I pass it , you might say , in reading and reflection on my area of interest .
14 I think I 've had enough time in school .
15 I 've had some time to check this Dream , ’ she said .
16 I have n't really had a vacation , this is the first time I 've taken some time off and I barely got here ; just because of the pace of the world , especially last year .
17 I 've spent some time in the Far East . ’
18 Through Michael Jaffé I 've spent some time at the Hamilton Kerr conservation centre near Cambridge .
19 Because I 've spent more time trying it .
20 I 've spent enough time watching her paint me ! ’
21 ‘ And now I 've spent enough time here — I have clients to see . ’
22 I 've got more time for him than either our lot or the Americans , ’ he added bitterly .
23 In this project I have invested considerable time and not a little of my own money .
24 In this project I have invested considerable time and not a little of my own money .
25 I have devoted some time to the Aplysia story here , not only because of the significance of Eric Kandel 's achievement in terms of its wealth of experimental data and theoretical model building , but perhaps above all because of the place it has come to occupy , not only in the text-books , making memory research neurophysiologically respectable , but in the framing of the research field .
26 For the last year , I have had little time for writing , though I get something down on paper when I can .
27 I 'm afraid I have had little time to entertain you or introduce you to Hochhauser .
28 I have spent some time in the United States , ’ he explained .
29 Finally , the concern with manipulation means that postclassical criminology is correctionalist , as were its classical and positivist predecessors ; that is why I have spent some time , in Chapter 3 , countering anti-correctionalist arguments .
30 I have spent some time strolling awestruck inside Luci Arrighi 's magnificent , painstaking re-construction of the tunnel .
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