Example sentences of "i [verb] [pers pn] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Rachel kneels behind me whispering in my ear , ‘ You never told me about Jancey ’ and I tell her she 's just the woman next door and Rachel says , ‘ Oh yeah ? ’ and I push her onto her back and sit astride her in the dark .
2 I helped her to her feet and hugged her .
3 I want it for her own good .
4 I told it to her right .
5 ‘ Remember what I told you about her family ?
6 I worship her for her piety . ’
7 I put her on her back and she 's gone back to sleep .
8 I put them in her cardi pocket .
9 I give it to her last night she , when she left here .
10 I shone it on her feet and then slowly up her body to her face .
11 [ aside ] Sometimes I admired her for her virtue , at other times , impetuous in my temper and unused to control , I could have beat her .
12 Carrying the booty , I thanked her for her kindness in answering our questions , and helping , and George and I retreated .
13 I thanked her for her consideration and said I would .
14 He said : ‘ I thanked her for her honesty with a box of chocolates . ’
15 Related is the case with Sarastro 's stern announcement ‘ wenn ich dich ihren Händen liesse ’ ( ‘ [ you would be deprived of happiness ] were I to leave you in her hands ’ ) : here , as shown in ex.2f , Mozart underlines an emphatic crescendo to the climax of the phrase with the word ‘ staccato ’ ( in the left upper corner ) and decisive strokes in violins and basses .
16 Once back in the ops room , I laid the boy flat on his back , so far down the mattress that his dropped foot hung over the edge at the bottom , just as I had seen the Australian nurse do when I watched her during her London visit the previous year .
17 Did I tell you about her little one who had stomach pains ?
18 Well , finally she left , and I saw her to her jeep with the new hair-drier which I found I had to press her to keep .
19 I saw her at her father 's funeral , where her dignity was exemplary .
20 The day I saw him at her funeral I said to myself he was a fine man .
21 " I thought the same thing the night I saw him with her wedding-dress .
22 My dear mother 's statement years ago that I deprived her of her fur coat and that I was n't much to look at — she once actually pronounced me ugly — bit deep .
23 No , I trimmed it for her last week
24 Erm , I took her at her word , I still looked for work , I did n't stop looking for work but I took it that she was happy enough me being on the dole if it meant that we could stay around Bay or Anglesey .
25 I took her to her office , ’ Morton said jauntily , ‘ and instructed that she should be plied with hot , sweet tea .
26 I was able to follow up that evening , for my father gave me a lovely chrysanthemum bloom from his greenhouse and the next day I took it to her home and asked her mother , who opened the door to my rather nervous knock , if she would give it to her daughter .
27 I got quite a lot of reading done — John managed to persuade one of the nice Italian staff at the British Council Library to let me have two more books than my five allowed , so I had them on her ticket !
28 I left her at her flat . ’
29 ‘ No , I left her to her luncheon .
30 I carried her in her crumpled dress up the short flight of stairs , and laid her on her bed .
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