Example sentences of "i [verb] [pron] on this " in BNC.

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1 I put it on this morning he did n't like it .
2 I get a bucketful of water and I heat it on this little stove and I strip and wash myself all over . ’
3 Although the ministers were too polite to commit themselves , even when I pressed them on this point , it was clear to me that they felt they , and their church , had been used .
4 I do not want to add to the controversy that we had earlier by saying that , yet again — and I congratulate them on this — our colleagues have obtained more in the English legislation than we have — The Minister indicates dissent , but I won the last argument and I am not sure whether he wants another one at this late hour .
5 Yet , when I saw him on this occasion , he seemed more than usually calm and quiet , which , given that the most painful of interrupters might arrive at any hour , showed that when , in the very essay I was delivering to him , he had talked about the necessity for the ‘ discipline and training of the emotions ’ , he meant what he said and practised it .
6 How can I feed him on this !
7 Two heads are better than one — and I feel I owe you on this .
8 Chairman Michael started off on a nice tripartisan note which er I think we on this side er did appreciate and it 's true that this panel er has agreed a great deal , covered a lot of ground and er I think er avoided the sort of er , er controversy etc. , etc. , was which we 're now caring now we are arranging in practical groups does mean the Labour groups has introduced a sound note er Brian started off by saying that the Conservatives er were not interested in an economic development strategy , er I must point out that and this activity derives from the local government managing act nineteen eighty nine , and by the present Government .
9 I think everything on this erm , machine is to do with food , do n't you ?
10 I had mine on this morning and er but she was out anyway .
11 I prefer it on this side of the sea , ’ I say at last , and I mean it , though I ca n't quite remember which sea I 'm talking about .
12 And if they 're not prepared to pl play the game or pay the going rate well then you review it and think how far do I push them on this ?
13 That 's the reason I wanted you on this . ’
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