Example sentences of "i [verb] [pron] on the " in BNC.

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1 I flung it on the open ledger on the table .
2 I laid her on the conc you know , like the , the step out
3 The situation called for some drastic action and so I laid it on the line ; either they won this game or I would resign .
4 Folding the poem , I laid it on the table .
5 I laid it on the floor and I was hit in the back .
6 ‘ I speak with Michael Odell inside ten minutes , or I raise him on the open line , ’ said Quinn carefully .
7 At the end of the day I thought it looked very attractive , but whether it will catch the eye of a customer when I display it on the craft stall is another matter .
8 I 've got a potential describing Inverness I met her on the train the other day , a friend of my , he says
9 He 's here all right — I met him on the shore two nights ago .
10 As Brian Clough told me when I met him on the top of the Little Elm bus earlier this season — we were both going to check out Little Elm Intaflora 's young Dutch forward , Kylie Van Der Graaf — ‘ Sadly , young man , football is like a football . ’
11 Then I nearly fell over when Hywel walked in because I met him on the mountain and he gave me the eye . ’
12 One of these papers was a recent statement by the county education committee that no change in the status of the grammar school was contemplated : on that basis , I was able to reassure my anxious colleagues , when I met them on the first day of term , that abrupt change was not imminent .
13 When I met you on the road to Hay last night , I almost thought you had put a spell on my horse !
14 Although regretting the need for such prosecutions , may I congratulate him on the vigour with which he prosecutes those who peddle such odious doctrines ?
15 Might I congratulate you on the birth of Henry , or Harry as I notice he is to be called from the announcement in the papers .
16 If you are looking for Monsieur Alain , I passed him on the main road .
17 I passed it on the way here from Bordeaux .
18 yeah , so anyway erm , he bought the car in to tell me that , garage down here , five hundred and forty eight pound labour right and that was put on another wing , save repairing the wing , put a new on , so what I did with mine is , I put on a new wing , right , and reduced the labour by sixty five quid to four hundred and five , I make plenty on the parts
19 I clapped him on the back .
20 I got one on the sh on the telephone
21 and I got one on the C's .
22 I got you on the bed and just lost my head completely .
23 Oh I got it on the bloody Saturday did n't I !
24 Yeah and that 's another thing I found I had a letter from the Social Security saying would you please send your order book back you 're not entitled to any more money , your sickness benefit 's run out , I thought it ca n't have , I do n't go back until the twenty fifth of March , phones up for the appointment I got it on the fifth of March , nine days ago
25 That was , I got it on the coach quite a nice thing
26 I posed her on the sofa .
27 Then I tried it on the pasture , but that was a bit rough , so I thought I would ride it down the new road through the iron gate leading out of my land .
28 It was definitely time to say farewell and stepping down from the canal at that point I found myself on the very street of my son 's house .
29 Then it stopped and I found myself on the side opposite to her .
30 IT was on a very wet Saturday afternoon that I found myself on the top of the North Downs observing whiffs of smoke emerging from a boiler which to all intents and purposes was standing among a mountain of waste metal in a field almost miles from anywhere .
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